Saturday 7 July 2012

1 week without internet and you have Ninja Pigs flying everywhere

It seems that every time I feel at home and things seem to be better than ever before, suddenly changes are thrust upon me. School ends, summer begins. TOP begins, go to New York. Leave New York, go to camp. Which will continue on to leave camp, come home. Leave home, to go Ukraine. Leave Ukraine, come home. Leave home, go to New York. Leave New York, go to school. On and on. Each time I grow to love the place I'm in. Fall in love with ever aspect of life there (most of them) and step into the rhythmic flow of every day. Create a new world of day dreams, about that one guy (not love but a crush, not even that, a welcomed chance for warmth and happiness).

Well I just came back from my 1 week no internet New York trip. I didn't want to leave at first. Wanted to stay, run around downtown at godforsaken hours, pointing out the cute guys, going on endless walks with Emi like those first 2 weeks of blissful summer. 12 hour car ride, 8 a.m church sermon, 1 perhaps 2 friends to spend the time with, and no internet. Well the 12 hours were annoying as always, but after that things got better.
We arrived to a mouse poop filled house, dirty, unused for the past...well since we last used it in August. After the long job of cleaning most of it we settled down to Pizza and orange juice? Walked over to the neighbours (more Ukrainian people) where I watched a movie and drew pictures with their little girls. Their really cute. Later we stopped by our grandparents house, now inhabited (in the summer) by my grandpa and unmarried uncle. Got home, slept, were woken up to breakfast (for me) of my brothers left over waffles and OJ, and shipped off to Ukrainian 50 year anniversary of the church festival.
At first I was appointed (by some idiot) to help my mother with the money and numbers for food. This person clearly did not know me. I have issues with math, especially math and money put together (if you add time it gets even worse). After a while my job was passed along to someone more potent and I wandered off to find my friends (there were actually 2, both named Olena). It gets confusing a lot. While Olena #1, straight haired one, the one I'd known since the age of 2, worked at the pastry table. Olena #2, curly haired one, one I hadn't gotten to know that well after all those years, and I wandered around the table of vendors spread out in the shade of giant tents. We talked and caught up, foraging a good friendship, or at least rebuilding what we once may have had in a few hours.
Later when we had all re united, we were recruited to help at the children's station. Making bubbles and goofing off was our first task, which we took to well. We then split up the jobs Olena #1 took bubbles, Olena #2 took tattoos and I too face painting. Slowly kids under the age of 6 lined up to have their faces reformed. Dragons, fire, princesses, flowers, butterflies you name it. One kid gave me a hell of a hard time, please tell me if you have actually hear of this and your over the age of 6, Ninja Pig. Ok. Pig dressed as a ninja, simple right? NO. It took me 30 minutes. Him explaining, me drawing, protests, questions, erasing, re-drawing, nope wrong again, grandmother complaining, finally managing something of similar complexion and finally finishing. But really, WTF is a frigging Ninja Pig?
Afterwards girls and butterflies went much better. I also painted my friends face. A giant blue butterfly with golden laced wings filled up her face. Not too bad for a set of crayons and an armature.
Bonfire, played soccer with well everyone. Got home and slept, only to be awoken at the painful hour of 9ish to be sentence to our very favorite place (not), church on a 100 degree sunday. Oh there was much rejoicing.

Hey look! A Ninja Pig. Ok this kid made it sound so much more impossible and stupid. Haha. It's actually cute!

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