Thursday 5 July 2012


I was so caught up in finals week then with having nothing to do with my life that I forgot to post on the last day of school. Well... it was the last day of school and fated to be interesting. Math and History finals. That day had an odd summery feeling, the feeling that things were coming to a close that math was not so bad (probably because I wouldn't be doing it for 2 months), and that there was something to maybe actually look forward to. You see up to this point in time I was dreading the end of school. The loss of the insane adventures we took part in, whisking away hours drawing or reading, ignoring lectures in history to watch Jess watching me. Now it didn't seem too bad.
Running out of my math class I curled up outside reading something or other (the title escapes me at the moment... maybe it was the Magicians...) waiting for my history final to begin. I got to class early. And disregarding the fact that this was my final I continued to read. Slowly people walked into class. Scanning over their review guides trying to cram everything last minute. That should have been me, I don't think I studied at all. Actually I don't think I studied for any class except math...
Well finally we got underway. Multiple choice was a walk in the park and the matching wasn't bad either. The only thing was that I hadn't looked over the prompts. Nor did I have the 1 page of notes we could use in writing our 6 paragraph essay. They were all so stupid. So I chose the one I though was the least stupid (which was not by much) and wrote. Slowly the class began to empty. Time was slowly running out for us. I'd look up ever once in a while, looking for the right word, replaying a phrase in my mind, and occasionally glancing at Jess or the clock. 40 minutes to go, 8 people left in the class. 35, the number dropped to 5. 15 there were only 4 of us one on their way out, stopping to thank our teacher. I scanned the room. Empty. It was strange, I spent so many hours drawing the contents of this room, all those people whose names, aside from, a few I never bothered to learn. Now they were all gone, all but that punk with the double mohawk and weird style (this guy kinda fits with all it's definitions of punk. look em up!) who probably was slow at scribbling down too many thoughts in his illegible handwriting, me who hadn't studied was smart enough to pass but actually took my time perfecting the bull shit I was writing (I'm also write kinda slowly if I speed up you can't read it anymore) and Jess who was probably high on something, taking his time, actually trying to pass and slow at writing (nah he was probably taking his time, for some reason he always came across to me as organised and if not smart the kind who would study and do his work).
Well it should have been awkward but it wasn't it was just kinda... we were just there. No real purpose to it, just students, no connections just a test. I finished and turned in the test. Stopping briefly to thank my teacher. Heading back to my seat I stalled, slowly packing up my pencils and book I'd left on the floor. Should I wait? I was tempted to, I wanted him to sign my year book. But at that moment standing there it seemed childish, not worth it. I knew I was going to regret it later. I did.
As soon as I got in my moms car I regretted it. I was probably not going to see Jess all summer, next year yes, but what were my chances? My last day ended with irritation at myself that I haven't felt in a while. Oh yeah, Hey I'm in 10th grade now! (Shit only 3 more years of high school.)

Ah so beautifully nostalgic. School can wait till summers over though.

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