Saturday 18 May 2013

Come on come on, jump a little higher.

Oh I don't know what to say anymore.
There's constantly so many thoughts going through my mind about him.
1. Do I love him.
2. Why aren't we dating?
3. He really turns me on.
4. I want to do everything with him.
5. He needs to stop just kissing me.
and it goes on and on and on...yeah. Let's see...I left off on that's 6 days. Well we didn't really do anything over the week till friday (I mean we kissed and made out and stuff...but whatever). Friday I skipped class and was talking to Nick alone. And Mathew walked in on us. We weren't doing anything, I was just trying to help out with Michelle. He got really jealous. It was cute in a way but a bit annoying. He should know that Nick and I are like brother and sister. He was sulking the whole first bus ride. After we got off, and we were waiting for a while, he asked this random taxi driver when the bus would come. It wasn't even that funny, but I just laughed and laughed. My laughter is contagious and soon we were laughing and back to normal. So we ran to get cupcakes, which was really funny and stupid and we made the bus!!! That was great actually. I think it was after that that I stopped minding the kissing. We had an adventure and I shared a big part of my life and love of fantasy with him in that moment, even if he doesn't understand yet...
I really do want to do everything with him. Stupid adventures, parties, dances, everything! Maybe I am actually falling in love with him...
I noticed that I stopped caring that he's really cute I just love his personality, and the way he looks at me and makes me feel so confident about me (sorry about all the lovey dovey stuff).

Today was a friends MORP (prom spelled backwards), her birthday party/prom/party. I wore my mothers old dress, white with black polkadots that was just a bit too big along the bra line and kept sliding down when I put my hands up. Mathew wore a matching tie. It was SO FUN! Party in new york with out the drugs and stuff. We just danced and were weird together. Everyone there was from theatre or we knew them somehow so it was just perfect. We slow danced...oh and this was at a Mormon Church...of all places. We ran around, messed around, were all weird together. I just can't describe it all, maybe I'll post a picture later. We walked around the church, talking about each other, kissing (while walking it doesn't work), laying outside on the grass ignoring the rest of the world...later the txts were perfect. Him: "I love you to the moon and back."
Me: "I love you all the way across the channel of guilder, cliffs of insanity, the fire swamp and back"
We're Princess Bride geeks.
And yeah....that's my life and I should write more about it and less about Mathew...

The color of the sky: Clear purple velvet blackness, with a half moon glowing orange above the church spire. A glimmer of stars raining down through the darkness.

Oh there so many things I want to just describe...but they get lost in that moment, and I can't bring them back...

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