Tuesday 21 May 2013

Take me to your world, he said

I trudged to school in rain boots after a 50% precipitation report appeared on my computer screen. All day I prayed for rain, and it didn't come...it was rather disappointing.
Isaac and Nicole broke up...he's depressed. It's like a cold that's going around, one after another we're all catching it and slowly dying of it.
Up in the Air came out today!!!!!! Listened to the previews on itunes over and over again. I wish I had one more itunes gift card so I could just get the album! I want it so bad!
I got to visit Sophia today! I didn't realise how much I actually missed her. We talk all the time but it was so different seeing her in person. I can't wait till Mathew gets to meet her. We got Fufu berry juice and ice cream and just talked. It was like old times, back at the other school. So different but the same in a way. Nostalgic...
Mathew and I have been getting along great. He cleared up the dating thing, his parents don't want him to. It's a bit irritating, cause I feel like he's just doing what they want and not what he wants. But it's ok, the feelings are mutual and after all it's just a label. We've been talking a lot more, and really getting to know each other.
Anyways...its funny though, we talk but we also have these long silences when we're together. When we just sit there and that's all. Its as if we both understand that we don't need words to express our feelings, and we can just be together.
Michelles having really big issues...she's depressed and for good reasons, her brother got killed a while ago. But she can't get over it. And she's so uncertain about her relationship with Nick. It really bugs me cause one of them's going to get hurt and I'm sorry to say it will be her fault...but Nick will blame himself and so will she and it's going to be horrible. I just don't know what to tell her exactly. And she's trying to "help" with my relationship, but it's just making me so uncertain about things.

The color of the sky: Building clouds, piling up like mounds of clean linen. Tinted a light pink as if someone had left an article of blush colored clothing in the wash.

Oh he actually kinda said that...he said that he wants to see my world. And to get to know the girl that reads, the girl he fell in love with.
I just wonder about Nikki sometimes...

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