Thursday 30 August 2012

You've come so far and could have all the riches and you say all you want is to do is sleep?

So far so good...

1. fliers for theatre
2. a painting of a mermaid (on commission)
3. an article
4. a paper (that I probably won't ever do)
5. writing letters
6. posting pictures from my trip (if I ever find the camera cord)
7. cleaning my room (working on it...)
8. buying gum, makeup, new clothes
9. getting new c.d's (going to the library)
10. getting back to my social life....fb....sigh (kinda)
11. packing

I'll finish the rest in New York. Maybe... I'm leaving today at 2 pm. And now that I think about it I don't really want to go. I know I'll have fun. But it's been such a long summer already.

The color of the sky: An upbeat clear blue. The kind that matches my dad's eagerness to get out on the road again.

I wanna sleep. 

Wednesday 29 August 2012

But then again... pink bows (not) on valentines day

Going to a soccer game. Nick and Chris 1 are playing, and I really can't wait to see them! But wtf am I suppose to wear!?

Went shopping today for back packs and school stuff with my dad and brothers. They are so annoying! There was this shirt I wanted but I didn't get it. Now I'm annoyed. Oh well. And it was only 10$.
After shopping I fell asleep. I slept for a good 1:30-2 hours. Made fliers, then returned to solving my crisis. It look me so long to figure out what to wear! Finally after running to and from the bathroom about 12 times I got my outfit, hair, bow, socks, shoes, phone, ipod, money and ran out of the house. 10 minutes later, the high school. The guys played really well, creamed the other team 7-0. Chris got a great goal at the end. He's just as cute as I remember him. Also he was really nice to me today... And we have health together, of all things. Then science right after. Yay!
It was really nice to see both of them again.
Like I told Sophia, totally fun insane year of high school life and maybe a cute boyfriend, only if HE asks me out. Not vice versa.

The band Breathe Caroline is amazing! It's like modern pop rap crap that they play on the radio but without the sex, money, drugs themes. I really like them!

There is no food at my house. With is probably a good thing. But then again I am going to get hungry eventually....

Emi isn't mad at me anymore. Actually she really missed my, so I'm happy. Once again we don't have classes together.

The color of the sky: Calm evening summer blue. The horizon is empty with the exception of two small clouds in the distance almost blending perfectly with the smoky greying purple at the fringes. it the sky, or an army of clouds approaching, foretelling lovers to bring along their umbrella's for their rendezvous, warning children to clean up their toys, and teens to stay up a bit longer so that they can fall asleep to the sound of summer rain.

Watching Breakfast Club with my dad tonight.

Tuesday 28 August 2012

La la la tea time

Emi's mad at me. And I don't even remember why. Sigh.

I got my schedule today! OMG! I am ever so excited for school to start now! Only 1 more week (which will again probably last forever, since I'm going back to New York).
Yet again I don't have classes with Emi, or Nick. I have one class with Jinni and 2, maybe 3, with Chris 1! Yay! And of course one of them is health. I wasn't expecting anything different.

I have a lot to do before school though.
Another List!

To do:
1. fliers for theatre
2. a painting of a mermaid (on commission)
3. an article
4. a paper (that I probably won't ever do)
5. writing letters
6. posting pictures from my trip (if I ever find the camera cord)
7. cleaning my room
8. buying gum, makeup and some new clothes
9. getting new c.d's (going to the library)
10. getting back to my social life....fb....sigh

The color of the sky: Open, inviting, the color of a pastel crayon melted in the sun, smeared by the clumsy fingers of a child then washed by the rain, later carefully crafted by a calk artist into a unwrinkled untouched masterpiece.

The ups and downs of my life. So much for DJ. Actually after seeing him again, I don't like him that much. Which is funny cause my friend and I spent so much time talking about him. Also they don't slow dance at Ukrainian dance parties. Oh well.

Time of my life

Best summer ever! Although now I'm ready for it to end. I think if it went on for much longer I'd start thinking life was a faery tale.

I just got back 2 nights ago around 2 am. After 3 weeks in a tent a house was rather nice. But I had so much fun! I met so many amazing people. And made so many amazing memories that I am never going to forget. And I met an Australian! I love him. Can't wait till winter when I get to go and visit him!

I don't think I'll go into details about this summer, cause there is so much to say and not nearly enough time. But it's been the best summer in all my 15 years. Actually ever since I turned 15 life's been great, even though I complain a lot. 

And now I'm just waiting for school to start.

Wednesday 8 August 2012

Totally in love... (with Lullaby by Nickelback)...well that too...

I think I'm in love...
...with this blog. That or I'm getting a serious attachment/obsession with it. It so much fun and it's just so relaxing to write down all the stupid things that go on in my life for no one in particular. Really it's just for me to write things and pretend someone's reading them. It's fun though, looking back on my life, that makes me sound old... anyways, I LOVE THIS BLOG (and my life I guess... haha).

So I'm leaving in something like an hour and I'm starting to get excited/nervous/whatever it is you feel when your leaving to go someplace really far away where you really only know 3 people. I wish we were staying in Toronto for a day... So we're all travelling as a groupish. So my family is going to Toronto first then Warsaw then Lviv.

Always when we travel (especially by plane) I feel like it's the start of an adventure, no real luck so far but I suppose I've never been alone in a different country before. Never anything like this.

So there is this key that I always have when we travel. It goes to something and I really want to find out what. My grandma gave it to me when I was little, it was a game back then, trying it on different things. But I really do want to know, even if it is something disappointing.

Well got to go now! And socks.

The color of the sky: A morning misty blue. Like the sun rising over a foggy lake, the clouds parting just so letting though the cool air.

Tuesday 7 August 2012

second star to the right on a clear blue evening

Optimism mixed with a good attitude is the key to conquer life!
-keep smiling :) Larissa.

Larissa had that posted on FB. I miss her. 

Got a bang trim today. The lady that cut my hair was really nice. She had boy short hair, her bangs were a dark blue and spiky! It was actually kinda fun. I like that place. Maybe I'll go there again. 

2nd star to the right. I think that's where life is taking me next. Well actually it's taking me to Ukraine. But it's a brand new adventure and if all ends well my memories can last forever. Never forget, my memories will be locked away in the pages of my sketch book (which can burn...). We're leaving tomorrow some time before 8 am. So far I just hope I packed everything. I feel like I should be worried I'm so far away from everything and almost everyone I know. I mean I'm sleeping in a tent with someone I've met once? At least Ksenia, Natalie and DJ (later, 3rd week) will be there. These people (since I have no more to really tell) are: 

Ksenia- a friend I met my first Ukrainian camp in the rocky mountains of canada. We have a lot in common and are really good friends.

Natalie- a friend from Ukrainian school. She's a year older than me. But I really like her. 

DJ- I met him 2 summers ago at camp. I hated him at first he was so annoying and different. After a while I changed my mind and started liking him. He was my first slow dance to Stairway to Heaven, Led Zeppelin. We spent ski camp riding the bus together every day and shooting bottle caps at one another at lunch (along with our other friends of course). And last summer. Where the rumours were that we were going out (at least according to some of his New York friends). And I haven't really seen him since then. 
I have so many stories about him and the stupid things he's done. Jumping off a chairlift for 30 bucks, drinking hot sauce on a bus, sneaking me into his tent during the day, his dreams of being a marine biologist, his coral business (that always makes me laugh), od on random meds, contact solution, everything. And the things I noticed. I notice too much about the guys I like...ed.
I broke up with my first boyfriend cause I though we still had a chance. After what had happened at ski camp, all the time we spent together... But I guess people change. But I'm still looking forward to seeing him, and once dance please, would be nice. 

The color of the sky: Once again cloudless. Not a single stain of white across the perfectly clean paling blue sky. Later clouds slowly start to fill the endless dessert of nothing. Like nomads moving across the blue sands stopping, covering the desert with their camps as they prepare to spend the night. 

Monday 6 August 2012

there was a car crash and somebody got murdered and the girl on the park bench ate mango icecream while the country boy fought for his city dreams

A calming white light bled through the stripped shutter curtains. Drained from heat, only illuminating a small blotch of space above the window. It was like the first snow of the new year, a quiet almost lonely morning on your way to work waiting for the subway, or on a walk through endless fields dosed  with a gracious amount of dew and lingering with airy fog the kind that dangle around your feet as you walk playfully evaporating in the morning light.
It almost made me forget that my parents were in my room. Testing out their newly bought camping gadgets, bags, backpacks and whatever else.

I've spent all day so far (with the exception of the orthodontist appointment and short running of errands) reading. I read something of a teenage fantasy twilight...ish book, Ethereal (Celestra series book 1). When I bough? or did I get if for free... Anyways when I got the book I was expecting something much more fantasy, different world, fighting evil type thing. This was more of the fall in love, murder mystery mixed with something supernatural, like magic (but not quite as cool).
The other thing I've been doing is watching trailers.

Last night I finished watching The Way Back. It's an incredible movie. The fact that it's based on a true story makes it even more memorable. The camera work is amazing the way they captured the landscape and the conditions these people had to live through, although I would have loved to watch it on a big screen. I know it's not real but that's what makes movies so wonderful. Like my dad once said, "Sometimes I really do hate my job, and it sucks, but at the end of the day just remember that what we're doing is making magic." I'll always remember that. Making movies is like making magic.
Anyways it was a really good movie, and Collin Farrell is in it! I totally did not realize that until his name showed up in the credits. It was so weird! I really like him, he's a good actor and really handsome. It's even better in Alexander with him and Jared Leto...sigh.

Continuing todays story... It was after 8 when I checked the library website. And what do you know Sigh No More is in. With only 30 minutes to closing I ask my mom if I can go on a bike ride, she says yes and I bolt out the door sparing only a few seconds to slip on my, beautiful red vintage, converse. My bike is also a beauty. A men's gunmetal grey, light and fast. Ever time I ride I get the feeling of freedom, like I have wings and can just fly. My helmet kinda ruins the picture, it's a childish pink with strawberries and something that looks like a may be a dog, I don't actually know. 15 minutes later I'm at the library, rushing towards the music stacks. I also grabbed a book, Everything Asian. I've read it before in 7th grade but it's a good book, and I don't think I really understood half of it when I read it the first time. After my mad dash I'm left with 2 books 11$ and a need for cosmetics. So Rite Aid. The ride to (and from) the library is up a pretty big, but not too steep hill. Going down the sun setting behind me a rainbow of colored clouds ahead. The cars slowly disappearing heading home after a long monday. Sometimes it isn't bad being here where the city falls asleep early to the dimming light of the sun, cicadas singing softly, hearing the world fall into a soft dreamy silence.
 It took me so long to figure out the prices on those things (in the end I wished I bought a thing of lipstick too, or blush but oh well). Concealer and gum, that's what I got out of that ground breaking trip (I don't wear make up). Got ice cream, actually it was mango frozen yogurt. Prayed to the shrine gods which went something like this: "Dear shrine gods, please make my trip really great, let me get a dance with DJ, and make some friends and shit like that. Also...let me have an adventure while I'm there, a real one. Thank you! And Jared Leto, please let my life be awesome, with your good graces. Bye!"
I have no life do I?... I walked back most of the way. Eating frozen yogurt and singing, first about mango ice cream, then about a murder, then about the murderer with turned into a song about a country boy with city dreams. It was quite entertaining. I made it home no problem, no one yelled at me, or noticed my bag of goods. And now I'm here, about to watch another movie with my dad, Red Riding Hood, I believe.

The color of the sky: A clear cloudless blue that was deep brandeis blue. Like a box or a room, that was painted all blue except one wall...

Guess what! There's a Wiki page for shades of blue!

Saturday 4 August 2012

Dreams floating like the silk ripples of a dress danced away on the wind like a faery tale

What did I do yesterday...? ...............I packed. And ran. And that's it....

Today though, I got the most gorgeous dress! It's one that I've always wanted. It's just so perfect! It's a creamy lacy white separated into three parts. The top is a thin strip of embroidered cloth. A simple design. Beneath it, the second section. A sort of midsection, a belt connecting the shirt and shorts, holding the outfit together. Then a lacy ruffled bottom trimmed with lace at the bottom of ever frilly ruffly thing. I love this dress. And it twirls! (Now if only I had boots to go with it...)

First off on today's schedule was soccer. I had a 2 hour optional session at 9. It was actually really nice, I realised how much I miss soccer. I'm so use to playing with guys with their impossible and insane rules. It was nice for a change, but I also miss Chris #1 and the gang back at school...
My mom and I shopped for hours today. Wandering around malls and massive stores looking for all the things I have not but need for camp. Store after store. Actually it wasn't too bad, I mean I got a pretty dress, a fuzzy sweater (hoodie), shoes, skini jeans!!!! So I'm happy.
I don't think I've mentioned this, but I love the olympics. So much fun to watch. This morning we were watching the mens 20km walk. They look like ducks. But aside from that it's just so amazing to watch, not just because it's entertaining, but also it's inspiring.

The color of the sky: Rainy. Thick humid clouds, weighed down by their dark grey cloak heavy with heat. A slow moving galley ship, slaves rowing endlessly. As the rich enjoy a soft pillow and sun, below their comfy quarters are the slaves rowing away. The earth is their deck, where they toil. Intense heat from the many bodies crammed together floods our air. Suffocating us. Claps of thunder, the crackle of whips. Thunder, the groans of men working away on this endless voyage. Soon though a new wind will come, with it new tides and the ship will float on to a new port where it will stop or quickly pass on it's journey.

Faeries. And elves. And ogres, dragons, goblins, witches, gnomes and such are all real. And borrowers. And dandylion faeries.

Thursday 2 August 2012

No rhyme or reason

Drawing. Listening to music (yay!). Missing everyone at camp.
I went on a mini adventure with Emi and Nick. We spent about an hour waving to cars at a round-about. Got 100 people to wave, say hi, or honk at us! It was so much fun!
Chris #2 is getting annoying. He keeps txting me! OMG! Shut UP! GO away already. I have yet to reply to his messages...
What else... I really don't know. I'm tired. Night!

The color of the sky: Soft blueish perry winkle. With wispy clouds spreading out across the sleepy sky.

I finally got to pray to the shrine gods! I prayed that I would have a great trip and have adventures and other stuff like that... (like finding a hot Australian boyfriend, just kidding! Although their accents are great.)

Wednesday 1 August 2012

One per day

Why am I doing math in the middle of summer? I should be asleep right now, or finishing the movie but I'm not. Stupid summer course.
I went on a shorter run today. But it was still refreshing. I love running, then taking a cool shower afterwards. If you've never done so you should, your missing out on life. 
My to do list before I leave in a week:
1. Pack
2. write up my interviews
3. write (make up) an essay
4. research forms of art
5. make 3 hand made gifts
6. get the new Offspring album (I think this is a priority)
7. Run (a lot!) item per day... hey this might work out after all! (except I have(want to) to run every day)

The color of the sky: Vast like the ocean stretching out till it disappeared into the trees in the overpopulated suburbia. A regular light blue, but it carried the scent of summer merging with fall. And happy summer memories coming to a close.

Lemon Tea

OMG! I just realized this, it's August!