Monday 6 August 2012

there was a car crash and somebody got murdered and the girl on the park bench ate mango icecream while the country boy fought for his city dreams

A calming white light bled through the stripped shutter curtains. Drained from heat, only illuminating a small blotch of space above the window. It was like the first snow of the new year, a quiet almost lonely morning on your way to work waiting for the subway, or on a walk through endless fields dosed  with a gracious amount of dew and lingering with airy fog the kind that dangle around your feet as you walk playfully evaporating in the morning light.
It almost made me forget that my parents were in my room. Testing out their newly bought camping gadgets, bags, backpacks and whatever else.

I've spent all day so far (with the exception of the orthodontist appointment and short running of errands) reading. I read something of a teenage fantasy twilight...ish book, Ethereal (Celestra series book 1). When I bough? or did I get if for free... Anyways when I got the book I was expecting something much more fantasy, different world, fighting evil type thing. This was more of the fall in love, murder mystery mixed with something supernatural, like magic (but not quite as cool).
The other thing I've been doing is watching trailers.

Last night I finished watching The Way Back. It's an incredible movie. The fact that it's based on a true story makes it even more memorable. The camera work is amazing the way they captured the landscape and the conditions these people had to live through, although I would have loved to watch it on a big screen. I know it's not real but that's what makes movies so wonderful. Like my dad once said, "Sometimes I really do hate my job, and it sucks, but at the end of the day just remember that what we're doing is making magic." I'll always remember that. Making movies is like making magic.
Anyways it was a really good movie, and Collin Farrell is in it! I totally did not realize that until his name showed up in the credits. It was so weird! I really like him, he's a good actor and really handsome. It's even better in Alexander with him and Jared Leto...sigh.

Continuing todays story... It was after 8 when I checked the library website. And what do you know Sigh No More is in. With only 30 minutes to closing I ask my mom if I can go on a bike ride, she says yes and I bolt out the door sparing only a few seconds to slip on my, beautiful red vintage, converse. My bike is also a beauty. A men's gunmetal grey, light and fast. Ever time I ride I get the feeling of freedom, like I have wings and can just fly. My helmet kinda ruins the picture, it's a childish pink with strawberries and something that looks like a may be a dog, I don't actually know. 15 minutes later I'm at the library, rushing towards the music stacks. I also grabbed a book, Everything Asian. I've read it before in 7th grade but it's a good book, and I don't think I really understood half of it when I read it the first time. After my mad dash I'm left with 2 books 11$ and a need for cosmetics. So Rite Aid. The ride to (and from) the library is up a pretty big, but not too steep hill. Going down the sun setting behind me a rainbow of colored clouds ahead. The cars slowly disappearing heading home after a long monday. Sometimes it isn't bad being here where the city falls asleep early to the dimming light of the sun, cicadas singing softly, hearing the world fall into a soft dreamy silence.
 It took me so long to figure out the prices on those things (in the end I wished I bought a thing of lipstick too, or blush but oh well). Concealer and gum, that's what I got out of that ground breaking trip (I don't wear make up). Got ice cream, actually it was mango frozen yogurt. Prayed to the shrine gods which went something like this: "Dear shrine gods, please make my trip really great, let me get a dance with DJ, and make some friends and shit like that. Also...let me have an adventure while I'm there, a real one. Thank you! And Jared Leto, please let my life be awesome, with your good graces. Bye!"
I have no life do I?... I walked back most of the way. Eating frozen yogurt and singing, first about mango ice cream, then about a murder, then about the murderer with turned into a song about a country boy with city dreams. It was quite entertaining. I made it home no problem, no one yelled at me, or noticed my bag of goods. And now I'm here, about to watch another movie with my dad, Red Riding Hood, I believe.

The color of the sky: A clear cloudless blue that was deep brandeis blue. Like a box or a room, that was painted all blue except one wall...

Guess what! There's a Wiki page for shades of blue!

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