Saturday 4 August 2012

Dreams floating like the silk ripples of a dress danced away on the wind like a faery tale

What did I do yesterday...? ...............I packed. And ran. And that's it....

Today though, I got the most gorgeous dress! It's one that I've always wanted. It's just so perfect! It's a creamy lacy white separated into three parts. The top is a thin strip of embroidered cloth. A simple design. Beneath it, the second section. A sort of midsection, a belt connecting the shirt and shorts, holding the outfit together. Then a lacy ruffled bottom trimmed with lace at the bottom of ever frilly ruffly thing. I love this dress. And it twirls! (Now if only I had boots to go with it...)

First off on today's schedule was soccer. I had a 2 hour optional session at 9. It was actually really nice, I realised how much I miss soccer. I'm so use to playing with guys with their impossible and insane rules. It was nice for a change, but I also miss Chris #1 and the gang back at school...
My mom and I shopped for hours today. Wandering around malls and massive stores looking for all the things I have not but need for camp. Store after store. Actually it wasn't too bad, I mean I got a pretty dress, a fuzzy sweater (hoodie), shoes, skini jeans!!!! So I'm happy.
I don't think I've mentioned this, but I love the olympics. So much fun to watch. This morning we were watching the mens 20km walk. They look like ducks. But aside from that it's just so amazing to watch, not just because it's entertaining, but also it's inspiring.

The color of the sky: Rainy. Thick humid clouds, weighed down by their dark grey cloak heavy with heat. A slow moving galley ship, slaves rowing endlessly. As the rich enjoy a soft pillow and sun, below their comfy quarters are the slaves rowing away. The earth is their deck, where they toil. Intense heat from the many bodies crammed together floods our air. Suffocating us. Claps of thunder, the crackle of whips. Thunder, the groans of men working away on this endless voyage. Soon though a new wind will come, with it new tides and the ship will float on to a new port where it will stop or quickly pass on it's journey.

Faeries. And elves. And ogres, dragons, goblins, witches, gnomes and such are all real. And borrowers. And dandylion faeries.

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