Friday 22 March 2013

What are kisses worth?

I walked home with Don Jose and Mari again. Somehow we started talking about parties. 4 things that make a party great, alcohol, drugs, sex and great music. Then we talked about our own adventures. We have more in common than I ever thought.
You know I never realised till now that I think of Jose as that little kid I use to love in 5th grade and he sees me the same way. I know we've both grown up and moved on but we still have that tie of childhood. It's strange, and a bit sad too, since now we're slowly breaking it, untying the string, growing up.

I was flirting with a baseball kid in my math class. He's not too bad looking. And he makes me laugh. I'd probably never want to date him. But I wouldn't mind kissing him. Is that bad?

Now my hands smells of someone else. Soft, something like a candle. My lips feel dry, but I feel pretty. Pretty and elated if that's the right word for it. I just got back from a "bonding event" mini party at Nadia's. Her house is a frikking castle! It's huge! Only 9 people showed but it was helluva lot of fun. Isaac and Nicole were there. Nick. God. Kelly, Ari, Nadia (well duh) and Hana. We did all sorts of weird teenage crap, played the wii, petted the dog, sat around and did nothing, ate, played ping pong and pool. Eventually we turned to Spin the Bottle. Kelly had her first kiss with Nick. I feel bad, but hey she gets to kiss Ryan later, lucky girl. I kissed God. Twice. It was cute, or so they said. His lips were rough and cracked a bit more than mine are. I feel like I aught to feel ecstatic about it, and super happy but I don't. The kisses meant nothing, it was just a game. I don't even remember the last time a kiss meant something. Did it the first time? Did it ever? I feel like when he plays with the bows in my hair, or waves bye to me in the hall, that means more than any kiss. But I'll remember it. It'd be a shame to forget. It's part of the memories we make it life, and I can say that I didn't miss my chance, I'm living it, I finally am.
Anyways, Nadia had a blast, I'm so used to her being all uptight with school and work but it was great! Then Nick and Hana had some drama and I gotta talk to him bout that. I feel bad, I really do. I just want Nick to be happy. And if happy is Hana than that's ok by me. What else...we tried to get Nicole to kiss Isaac. And tickle circles spilled pop all over. And we ranted and talked, and hell it was great. It really was. As we left, Christoph gave me a big hug, that completed the evening. Perfect fairy tale ending, as far as I'm concerned.
You know I'm still looking forward to the movie date, but I think I get it now. I don't really like/am good at relationships. I like little things, nothing big. Kisses (that mean something), movies, holding hands, the things that don't really matter.

The color of the sky: Bright, and saturated in an unusually blazing white shade. Blinding and warm, like the spring day that it should have been for the last 2 weeks. Clear and reflecting the glow of the sun through out it, like sunlight across the water. It made listening to Jose's complaining not too bad.

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