Friday 1 March 2013

Daydreams are what keep me awake

My head slid onto the open book. Please let me sleep. I nodded off, listening to the music a bit too loud to hear my teacher in case she yelled at me. Well clearly she knew better and poked me to wake me up! Well how rude is that! Then I went and kinda slept in the hall way, Don Jose joined me too. It wasn't too bad, but I know what I said but we can still be friends, as long as this shall last. Awww that makes me think of my diet...I want it to be summer so I can eat fruit Popsicles cause that'll be perfect! And I can cook for myself cause I'll have time, and I'll go on looong walks and bike rides, and swim in the mornings. Ah just thinking about it is wonderful.
Back to today. I went to theatre and did tech. I was sooo out of it. It was really funny, the director told me to do something the wrong way (as a joke) and I looked up at him with this confused, tired look he totally though I believed him it was great! I mean I wasn't that tired, I can still think. Matt laughed too.
Walked home, it was cold.
I ate too MUCH for dinner. I Was planning on eating yesterdays fried veggies but my dad ate them! Grrrrr...I need to eat more for breakfast and less for dinner...sigh. Hey at least I didn't eat any sweets  today! Tomorrow I get cake for my brothers birthday but I'll eat as little as possible! Promise!
6 more days till sweet sixteen. It's weird, cause I don't want to grow up, but I'm looking forward to this. Maybe it's the independence that kinda comes attached.

The color of the sky: Muddled like mixed paint water, colors added and added to become a swirling mix of grey and white, hints of purple, indigo and paling blue surfacing as the liquid swirls and churns as the invisible paintbrush adds more color, making it darker and darker...

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