Wednesday 20 June 2012

cats on drugs or magic

I wish it was winter. Snow would fall tonight. Calm, darkness filled with white instead of restless heat and darkness filled with golden lights inviting to party. Ready to wait instead of jumping to seize an impossible chance.

Emi and I were sitting outside talking and there was this cat. It kept making noises in a bush next to us. Scratching, and meowing and stuff. Emi decided it was high or something. For some reason the cat really unnerved me. Eventually it came out of the bus and walked towards us. I really freaked out. And ran away from it. It lay down a few feet away from us and watched us for some time. Then got up and came closer. Emi decided to pet it. Then I did too. It still kinda bothered me. And I am not all superstitious about cats and ladders and what not.
The cat then began walking circles around us. Occasionally sitting down or stopping to let us pet it. It was like it was putting up wards, or trying to protect us from something. It's breathing was heavy, like purring but not. Like a raspy voice after a coughing fit. We talked it it and pet it. I wonder if it understood... Eventually we got up to leave. For a moment it kept walking circles. Then it began following us. A car scared it off.
As I was walking back to my house I saw it again. It was watching me. As I got closer to the door it began walking then running towards me. I ran to the house and locked the door and looked out. It was just sitting there. Then it was gone. It must have walked away. Weird weird cat. Though it would have been an interesting start for an adventure... I read too many fairy tales.

Chris and Jess. Neither truly have anything on me. I confessed (asked out) Jess and I just flirt with Chris. So I can go either way and it doesn't matter now. Problem kinda solved...ish...

Soooo many people on facebook, and I want to talk to some of them but I'm to shy. I don't wanna. Plus it's awkward to start a conversation.

The color of the sky: The setting sun turned the sky a pale-ing pink and gold. A color that lacked something, but was pretty in itself almost. Like tea that isn't strong enough. It has the right flavor and you can drink it, it just isn't ideal.

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