Monday 11 June 2012


UKRAINE beat Sweden 2-1! Their first match in euro cup 2012! When Shevchenko scored his second goal my whole family started screaming. It was so amazing! Best game I've seen so far this euro cup. Fast paced, lots of chances, good ball control and amazing goals. The whole stadium erupted when he scored. Not bad for a 35 year old. Actually he's one of the worlds most amazing and talented players. But it also made me really happy that my whole family just sat down to watch.

CHRIS (#1)! I win! Sweden did not beat Ukraine 4-0, and Shevchenko is not just some player from Ukraine. So I could care less what you do or if you actually give me 5$ or what not, but admit that we do have an amazing team. I really can't wait to see his reaction tomorrow.

So today was the official start of finals. I turned in my essay 1st "hour" exam period at my 2nd school. Then spent about 45 minutes with Sophia walking around the deserted school. No one here has a 7th block. And those who do have exams. So it was quiet. An empty quiet, that matched the London rain outside. Jess was wearing a light blue polo taking his exam. We saw him, as we passed by the open door of his 7th block. Bored, we walked over to Sweet Waters and got strawberry flavoured drinks and sat inside, gossipping to pass the time. It was raining more than drizzling now. The slow steady pattern of drops fell as if they were intentionally slowed by some force. Splattering on the high windows of the cafe, that made it seem like a ware house, rather than a relaxing place to buy a drink.
My dad picked me up and drove me to my 1st school for classes. First person I see when I get there, Chris #2. He starts talking and following me around. I really would have rather been alone, listening to my ipod. I swear he was waiting for me or something. I managed to drop off most of my books. He even followed me when I went to the athletic office to try to drop my soccer stuff off. Eventually we ended up where we started at the book depository. And guess who I find there. CHRIS #1!
I was wearing my Ukraine jersey that day (cause of the game later on) and of course he's wearing his Sweden jersey. The ironic part about it is that the flags of the countries have the same two colors, blue and yellow. Our jerseys, were both yellow, with the national symbol, same blue stripes going down the shirt and the Adidas mark on it. We matched, it was pretty funny but really cute too as Emi later told me. We should have taken a picture.
Well I saw him and immediately we began to argue. Completely forgetting about #2. I was so happy. Really it just about made my day. The rest of school we kept bumping into each other, or inevitably recognising one another in the halls because of our shirts. And we argued. It was fun though.

Came home, watched the game. Studied for quite a while, and taking little breaks in between to read the Magicians (really good book). I finally managed to get away from the house at 9:20 to go on a 15 minute walk with Emi. She talked about her obsession with this one guy. It was pretty funny. We went to the park and swung on the swings. There's this tree in front of the swings. If you swing high enough it's just barely out of your reach. We reminisced about always wanting to touch that branch when we were younger. It turned into a long funny discussion about us as old ladies jumping off swings. I told her about my issues with both Chris's and my revelation that Phil is a junior. It took me literally 10 whole minutes to absorb and get over that fact.
Emi also gave me a list of things she noticed during lunch:
David likes me.
Josef likes me.
Chris #1 likes me, or at least like to flirt with me a lot.
I still fit in with our old group, she doesn't.
This guy she's close friends with might actually like her. It's complicated.
I am really loud.
Me and Chris #1 would be really cute together (if he wasn't such a player, according to her)
Jess is really really scary and sketch. (She saw him getting into a car during lunch and leaving. She said it looked really sketch, I'm not surprised)
And David isn't as wonderful as she thought he was when she first met him.

I should study for my finals tomorrow... it's stopped raining.

The color of the sky: In the morning it was gunmetal grey a thick sheet of clouds hazarding rain. From then it turned to a london grey. A darker, color, but lighter clouds, almost like mist. Then to summery grey, uplifting almost. A cool breeze in the humid air. It stayed that way for some time. Before turning almost black with the coming night. Still rainy.

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