Sunday 10 June 2012

uninterrupted perfection

Friday and saturday passed by quickly. Eventful but nothing out of the ordinary. It was just going through the motions. Friday was the last full day of school of my freshman year. It was spent like any other day. Running around, doing the craziest things that only manga characters could truly seem to make possible. All this was intertwined with the signing of year books and the writing of my final essay for 7th block.

This whole day has been spent writing my essay and procrastinating it. Sitting on by bed, the coves thrown back. Books laying scattered all over, my cellphone under a pillow, and a plate of half eaten cake. My computer on my lap and the window open, letting in the warm air and sound of our neighbours AC or something like that. Going down stairs, watching the Euro cup. Eating chocolates, and more cake. Relaxing. Reading. Actually it was a perfect day. Uninterrupted by annoying text messages, and facebook posts, or overly loud piano or out of tune violin playing. Actually there wasn't anyone here most of the day.

Tomorrow begins finals week.

The color of the sky: Last night it was gorgeous. It was a perfect rainbow, dimmed in color. Each color was distinct but at the same time each color blended in with it's neighbours, forming unnameable colors in between. The rest of the sky was a dusty navy blue black.
Today it was a yellowing white. The color of shimmering light on the horizon expanding out into a pale blue.

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