Monday 18 June 2012

a story (not the beginning)

After Larissa got turned down last night Sabrina told her that at least you know his feelings and you won't have the feeling of regret of not asking him follow you around for a long time. You know, Jess never actually told me anything. He just said "I can't do that I don't really know got swag and shit" and that's all. Maybe that's why I can't quite get over him.

After a night of pretty dreams, and by pretty I mean nice, fairy tale adventures (...well sort of...), my friends, and pretty colors, my dad woke me up with "Wake up, we're going to the dentists in 20 minutes". That was 12:00. I've actually been getting a decent amount of sleep.
So that ruined all my yet-to-be-made plans with Emi.
Dentists. Best buy. Kindle fire. Soccer game (Croatia should have won! Or it should have been a tie at least, sadly it was not. Spain and Italy move on, EURO cup 2012). Paint.

You know if I could get over Jess, maybe I could actually Get A Life. Me and Emi have realised this. We really don't have lives, socially speaking. We have a great time, tons of laughs and insane adventures but a boyfriend would be nice we both agreed. She like a sophomore. I have no clue if it will work out (plus she wont see him until crew camp) but it would be nice. She also has a goal of having her first kiss by the end of this year. But not only do I kinda need something of a life (so I don't just sit here all day) I get lonely. I love Emi I really really really do, but I wanna talk so someone else sometimes. Talk about soccer, or theatre, or politics, music, art, everything or anything. And that's where Chris #1 comes in.

My dad, brothers, and two of their friends, and me all went to see Madagascar 3 in 3D. Such a funny movie! It was really amazing! Go watch it! Aside from being a great movie (a lot of modern "kids" movies are like this) it's about a dream, or something important like that. Or am I over thinking things again?

Emi and I went on another walk. We walked all the way to the gas station and got a slushies. There were a lot of sketch guys there. We hurried out and walked back. This girl has a serious obsession with this guy. It was really funny, and a bit disturbing, but still funny. ....we need boyfriends.

The color of the sky: Morning it turned dark fast. Not too dark, like a shade above a rainstorm. Dark grey, not too scary though. It cleared up to blond and blue skies with wispy clouds sagging with a reminder of rain.

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