Wednesday 6 June 2012

I'm really hungry right now...

Raisin in the Sun. I really need to read more. When you can't take your eyes off a book or a play and it isn't the best thing in the world (although this is an amazingly written play through on a regular basis I would not read a book on this particular topicish...thing) it means you really need to get back to reading. I miss books!!!! So little time, especially with finals and the last week of school coming up.

Skipped class today. Josef and Sophia and I. First off they spent 15 minutes, Josef trying to convince me to come with them and Sophia telling me to go to class. All the while incorporating Jess into the conversation. And he was standing literally 10 feet away. We ended up walking around an office building, riding the elevator up and down and finding a space that was being rented. I decided I should live there. It was such a perfect little thing. 2 rooms, a wide open room split into two sections by an invisible line. And then a door on the right about in the middle of the wall. Not sure what was in the door, but a bathroom would be nice. I started imagining how it would all look. A small bed, pushed up against the far wall, a desk against the left wall by the bathroom. My clothes I could just keep in some drawers under the bed. The kitchen would be in the second part, the open space when you enter, to the right. A small stove, oven, sink, maybe a microwave and a cabinet for silverware, plates and such. A small wooden table, or one of those metal ones they have sitting outside cafe's. And two matching chairs. Somewhere in there I could put an arm chair. My orange one, from the theatre (sadly it's not actually mine, and it's gone now). Beside it there would be a small low table. There's also this little awkward strip between the bathroom and kitchen. I could put up a book shelf for all my books and little things. The bathroom would have a small sink, mirror. Maybe a bathtub if there was room. A small one, that stood up on those little legs. I could keep other things there too I guess...
Now if it was in New York or  Paris that would be the best thing in the world. With a nice view out my one window. God I want to live there now.
I just looked it up. OMG. I'm going to live there. Even if it is an office space.

I biked to school this morning. It was cool, but refreshing. I haven't ridden my bike in ages! Every time I ride it I remember why I bought it. It feels like I'm so free. Like the wind.

Broke my earphones. Got a new pair. Drank expresso. There was a fire drill. Tomorrow is Thursday.

The color of the sky: Once again it reminded me of this childish memory of my thoughts of the sky. Blue as ever, with white inconsistently shaped clouds. Moving rapidly across the sky.

I fell asleep on the bus today.

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