Wednesday 20 June 2012

Maybe Chris (#1)

I can't believe Ukraine lost to England! Bull. That stupid ref missed that goal! IT WENT IN! GOAL. If we had had that one we totally could have won. And really. Rooney. Why does everyone glorify him so much? Ukraine 16 attempts on goal. England 9. Ukraine ball possession 71%. England 29%. In any case, we should have won and England sucks (their team does at least).
Sweden won. Yay for you Chris #1!!

On that note Chris #1. As Jess is slowly slipping away from even remotely reachable distance Chris is to some degree...well in second. After Jess. Even if I get over him this kid will always be a source of entertainment and a joke for me and my current friends. Well Emi is now obsessed that we are perfect together and forget the fact that he's really annoying and probably a player this is going to happen (according to Emi). I admit, it's getting annoying. Going to TOP for the second time and sitting there (still having a ton of fun) just without a boyfriend.
Ever since I was really little, my parents have taken me to TOP. And as long as I remember I've always wanted to go with a guy, at first it was just my friend who could never make it, and now, boyfriend. Chris has been really nice to me recently, aside from the Ukraine Sweden thing (that was a big deal) so why not. He's good looking, nice (can be), I can talk to him about soccer, and he's slightly ( A LOT) more normal than me and Emi. Now if he would respond to my email... (I'm starting to think it's the wrong email address or something).

Went to my grandma's today. Did almost nothing but watch T.V and eat peanut butter and caramel. Soccer. Went to TOP with Emi. We met up with some theatre friends and Nick. We hung around and danced as teenage bands played, then decided we were bored so we took a walk through campus to the graveyard. And played hide-and-go-seek. Have you ever seen a graveyard at dusk during the summer? It's littered with scattered lights, fireflies, flickering on and off. Dodging between obelisks and graves. Reminding you of spirits and ghosts maybe, but really they remind you of summer and the peaceful easy feeling, no rush. Emi and I looked first. Sabrina scared us, jumping out from behind a gravestone. The second round two of our group left to go find a bath room. So it was the upper class men searching for the Sophomores. I felt like a child, or an unknowing freshman as I ran through the soft green grass dotted with holes of sticks and excrement of tree's. Like a person running in a movie, the camera bouncing up and down focused on the ground beneath my feet. I hid in the tiny crack between a bush and a gravestone. I sat there watching the sky dim, the lights go out. Finally someone called me and the game was over (though we spent a good 1o minutes looking for the other two... we found them at the entrance waiting for us.)

Then we went back to TOP and watched Sherlock Holmes, A Game of Shadows. We sprawled out in the middle of the side walk obstructing pedestrians and cops. I missed a lot of the movie, cause I couldn't concentrate on the movie as people walked past me. Instead I watched their faces, not looking for anyone and not expecting to find the people I could have been looking for. Just faces. Our group slowly dispersed till there was only 5 left. After the movie Emi and Nick kept tickling me (everyone finds it entertaining....everyone) we ran around laughing and screaming. Finally we left. Nick's dad generously gave me and Emi and this girl (Nicks younger brothers not girlfriend friend) a ride as well. 3 adrenalin high teenagers in a car as weird as us is not a good thing. We made it home in one piece.

I sang for the first time in a while, walking back from walking Emi home.

The color of the sky: A summer blue sparkling in the midday heat. Clouds evaporating into white silk threads across the sky. The evening was like a dimming light. Slowly turning grey. An oil lamp being turned down.

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