Wednesday 20 February 2013

Florida Adventures

I haven't had internet for a few days now, or otherwise have been to tired to post. I'm in Disney world at the moment. Enjoying my time here for the most part. I really do like Disney it's the family part that's a problem. I get no time to myself, to study, work out, make my own food it's getting really frustrating. At least I still have time to write...

The last few days we drove to Florida and stayed with my great great aunt who's 90...we helped out and cleaned and listened to her talk. We had to sleep at her house on night. It was...interesting. At least we didn't have to eat at her house. But it's nice there. Miami beach. The February nights are arid, with cool ocean breezes blowing in. I spent several hours one night outside writing. It's so inspirational and calm I can actually think. We left yesterday and drove to Orlando.
The hotel here's pretty nice but I don't have any privacy what so ever it really sucks. Yesterday we went to Downtown Disney ate, looked at Lego's, shopped, acted like a pretty normal family. Then today we went to Magic Kingdom, which is my favourite. I think I dressed perfectly for the occasion, pink polka doted shirt I got with Emi at Forever21, jean shorts and mismatched pink, white and striped socks. We walked around all day, it was great! I've never felt so happy with my family (in a while) we just walked and my legs hurt but they feel so good! Best workout I've had in a while...I think my favourite rides are It's A Small World, Alice In Wonderland Teacups, and Peter Pan. I used to love those as a kid, I guess I still do. We saw the fire works from the top of the mountain roller coaster. Watched the light shows and parades. As the sun was setting and people were wandering into restaurants we were heading for the Presidents exhibit thing, when I look up to find a golden hair boy, his soft winding curls immediately caught my attention. We were walking past each other, and in that second that lasted forever we looked at each other, watched as we walked past turning our heads at the same time to catch one last glimpse. It was strange, since people normally look away. He was gorgeous, my age, thin, his eyes matched mine, only they were a more blue version. Blue like lapis lazuli, shimmering in all colors dark pupil in the centre. I hope I'll see him again. But the best things arrive unexpected. So it was probably a one time moment of wonder.
I got a big Cheshire cat pillow pet. It's so cute! And soft. I had a huge debate with myself about whether to get an Eyor of Chesh. Eyor was so soooft. But I think I'll have very good dreams now.

I've been txting Michelle constantly. Her brother was killed a few days ago... I love talking to her. And I think my idle talk helps even if it's just a bit.

Epcot tomorrow. Hope we get  to eat Japanese food.

The color of the sky: It never became dark. Every second of darkness was lit, each time with new color as fireworks burst like water balloons into the night sky. Scattering their shooting stars all over the crowd, in awe with wonder. I think the fireworks are always the best part.

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