Thursday 14 February 2013

Happy thursday

So I've been worried about just about everyone, Michelle, Larissa, Dan, Mari, and gosh people have problems. It's not their fault it's just life and the timing of it.

Art was great! We were trying to come up with ideas for our designs and Crystal lay on the floor with her feet stretched up. It was just too good. Then Tom (he's a junior, love him! his laugh reminds me of Dustin Hoffman in the Graduate) started reciting Macbeth. And Eleanor was only concerned about the fact that the floor was dirty and I just laughed.

I ate a lot of cookies today. Simply to account for the fact that no one gave me chocolate. Kinda sucked. But then again I don't need that stuff...cause I wanna be skini...and it's working!
Does Don Jose like me? I don't know. I miss Matt's car...that old maroon shoe.

Going to Florida tomorrow...not sure if that's good or bad. If they have a work out room at the hotel it's good. I can start running. It's still cold up here. But if it gets warmer after break I'll start biking. But I have been walking home from school which is very nice and relaxing, when my back pack is not full to the brim with books.

Today's movie was Finding Neverland. I never get tired of that movie. It's just so inspiring and heart breaking. And boy is Kate Winslet gorgeous! Though I'll always remember her as Hanna from The Reader, which I will definitely be watching sometime this week.

Today is just a blurb of thoughts bubbling in no conceptual sequence.

The color of the sky: Casting shadows, distinct and defined. A thick line between what is light and what is shaded. But it is not black and white, but gold and grey. Showers of falling stars from cracks in the universe descend into our atmosphere casting light and causing shadow. From a blue rainy cloud in a midst of grey shines the biggest and brightest start. Glowing the color of melted gold, drifting slowly past the earth.

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