Sunday 24 February 2013

How about a peach smoothie while I wait for your reply

Well I'm finally home after that looong drive. I think the last time I posted was after Magic kingdom so here's alllll that happened after that...

We walked to epcot, where we walked some more, went on all the rides then went back to the hotel to swim. I slept. I woke up to my brothers racket and my mothers lamentations of wasting time. So I changed into a dress, grabbed my sun hat and ran out the door behind them. This time we went through the cultural section. Wandered around, ate food, too much food, went on the rides. As we were waiting in line, rain clouds closing in I found myself looking into eyes like the grey white storm clouds. They were like the sky after a storm at sea, calm, dusty grey. He wasn't that attractive, but his eyes were something else. He was tall, leaning against a wall, back curved, staring down at his ipod. Beanie on his head, covering light brown hair. A cool, observant face, that looked me over without hesitation. When I blushed and looked away he simply watched me, as the ride pulled away I looked back, wondering if I should wave or not. I didn't.
We walked around till the fireworks started. I watched inspired by the color, the beauty. Fireworks are always my favorite part.

Universal studio's was next. Entering Harry Potter land was like walking into a dream. It felt real, despite the surges of people, wandering through. Anyways it was magic. The little shops of Hogsmead, the train, the castle...vendors of pumpkin juice and butter beer, children scurrying about in cloaks. Honeydukes. It was all an adventure. The rides were fun, and as we walked out it was like the dream was disappearing, fading out into the cold dreary morning.
The rest of the park was fun too. Got all wet on the barges. And that's when we met Maria. A friend form camp. Well we went off to go on the roller coaster together. I never noticed this before but she's about as strange as I am, and kinda a bitch. I mean not really but part of her just annoys me so much. It wasn't too bad though...I guess.
Ate dinner with their family at the Hard Rock Cafe, which was actually really cool. And I got a Thing 1 and 2 hat. It's great! I'm totally wearing it tomorrow.

Then we left Disney. It was Saturday already and we were off, heading home with one last stop at Legoland. I was praying here. Praying that there would be someone, anyone to take away my boredom. And guess what! My prayers were answered. On the second big ride I found myself eyeing a gorgeous blond teen. And let me tell you. He had hair that flips out, and bangs that drifted over his eyes, and each time he would shake his head like a dog, letting movement clear his face. His eyes were blue, I can remember them so clearly, thats how much time we spent looking at each other. And his smile was cute. Unsure, playful, curious. His friend, shorter, brown hair, the sidekick of the hero, started to flirt. Winking at me, making call me signs. After the ride, the blond winked and called out to me, in return I waved and smiled sweetly. It was game after that. We'd see each other and immediately we'd find a way to get together. The best one was the boats. They got in line after me and we floated down this river, hardly saying a word but laughing and teasing each other despite that. We ended up exchanging numbers.
The brunet who's name is Nate txted me, to my dismay Gunnar (even his name is attractive) did not have a cell phone, he did have an email which Nate has not given me yet. But we talked, and teased and flirted. And I'm still waiting for the email. It kinda sucks though cause their from Massechustes. But hey you never know.

Drove home. Did my home work, well most of it. Watched a movie and bed! I can wait till tomorrow though.

The  color of the sky: Pastel, blended together to form a rainbow. But not in the ordinary red, orange, yellow...colors but in pastel pink, peach, mango, green tea, and ocean candle blue. Dust bunnies forming over the masterpiece and a country side landscape drifting underneath.

Sweet dreams Gunnar.

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