Tuesday 12 February 2013

Let me ask you a question young sir

I was washing dishes in the skin, green bottles, fancy china and tiny martini glasses scattered around the bathroom alcove. The rushing of water drowned out the conversation but not enough. I listened, quietly, almost wishing I hadn't heard. It was about Matt and Sophie, and how maybe he liked her and all this stuff about him, his personality, how shy he is. It was one of those conversations that after a few minutes you just want to tune out and not bother with it. But I just listened why drying the dishes under the air dryer.

I totally passed out in 7th hour. I'd been so tired all day. After the test, earbuds in... for a while I just listened, and had a long train of thought one thing to the next until it ended abruptly. And I fell asleep. Don Jose woke me up kinda, him and another kid were playing with my hair. I didn't really mind and fell asleep again. I was sure if I woke up I'd have to do work. So I didn't. I was zoned out the rest of the day which wasn't a bad thing at all.

I've gotten a lot of Ukrainian homework done while talking to Jose in the last hour. Though I did want to continue to watch The Graduate this turned out more productive. We keep asking each other questions. It's like the question game in It's Kind of a Funny Story.

I've been loosing weight steadily but I feel like non of my fat is going away and that bugs me. Cause what if it's just water then I become anorexic....not goooood. I walked home today and will tomorrow. It's relaxing. The whole world it grey. Every color is bleached, the colors sucked out and it's a rainy watered down image. I fit right in with my navy blue sweatshirt and black tights. Just the puffy wavy unkept hair tangled and static doesn't really fit.

The color of the sky: lit by orange dandelion street lamps and as grey as the rest of this town. Rainy, and soapy like dish water coffee.

I painted my nails black and sparkly. Like the night sky full of stars.

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