Sunday 3 February 2013

Looking for Alice

Snow is when the earth becomes one with the sky. Everything was white, further and further into the distance and you couldn't tell what was land and what was sky. Even the trees morphed into one being. It fell. Filling the silence with it's being. Like it was making sure you weren't completely alone. If I was to paint a picture of it, it would be black and white, maybe the trees were a bit brown but in the end it all just mixed and blurred into white.
I wonder if snow is ashes. The ashes of dead angles, being scattered from heaven to purify the earth. Or what if it's the opposite. Lustful cum that's dripping down from the cloudy sheets. Maybe heaven isn't so pure and we're simple a reflection of that.

It was cold. We went tubing but since the snow was so powdery we didn't get too far. I ate a lot, since I was with my parents. They bug me too much about it and other things. The ride home wasn't bad. I though about the future. And what happens when the things I dreamt become reality. What then?

Looking for me. Alice. But not. Black and white yet in color. Spinning and piecing together the words. Building a world that knows no reason. Working hard yet dreaming away. Wanting to be free, as free as the wind.

And love...

The color of the sky: Everything was white, and I thought that maybe I too could become one with the world. Turn white and become one with everything...instead I was left with more dreams.

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