Monday 25 February 2013

Sometimes (on accident) I forget you exits and when I see you again I try to forget on purpose

Today was just calm and relaxing. I didn't have to deal with shit, I turned in my homework, got to class on time, read, talked to people, didn't listen to my ipod. It was just nice.
We worked on the mural in art club. And our director didn't show up for the read through.

I think meeting Gunnar really influenced me, if that's the right way to say it. It made me realise that there's more people than just my school. There's really people out there, not just figures on t.v screens. And there's so many more possibilities than the ones I've already dreamt up. There's so much out there and even more for me to find and see for myself someday. I really wish Nate would give me Gunnars email.

I went on a walk today. 3o minutes to myself. 30 calm, soundless, people less minutes of walking.

I decided to set goals for myself:
- read at least one book every week
- go on walks
- make a to-do list and actually do it
- eat fruit
- actually listen to the new albums I get
Each one every day. Except the first and last.
I think I'm on my a sense...

The color of the sky: Crisp blue, crunching under children's feet like milky ice spread across a sidewalk on a snow day, or leaves scattered by the wind over the tennis court. And a full globe of a moon, rising slowly into the sky, like a lantern being lifted up to guide the way.

Or maybe I just need a boyfriend.

Oh! Chris and I had a moment today. He was walking down the stairs and I up, we looked at each other, like strangers not awaiting a hello. He tilted his head and smiled, the kind of silly smile with eyes half closed, it kinda makes him look like a duck. I mimicked him almost out of habit, half mocking, half genuinely happy to see him. We didn't look back. There's no reason to. It's like 90% dark chocolate. Bitter and tasteless overlaying something sweet.

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