Sunday 9 December 2012

A lazy afternoon

I don't want to write...actually I don't really want to do anything. Just sleep. But I'm doing home work, so this is a good distraction.

Recently I've been sleeping really well. Probably since I'm dead tired after ever day and so sick of everything that I just wanna disappear. Well I've been dreaming of guys I've had little crushes on or people who have probably liked me.
First time it was a dream about my counsellor from this summer. A handsome, aviator who is a bit childish at times but very dedicated to his new found work with aeroplanes. I'm not sure what was the case at camp but he really pampered and spoilt me. He'd take my advice on everything, ask for my opinion about almost everything, always let me do what I wanted even if it was a bit absurd. And when I got sick he wouldn't let me out of his sight. He was always making sure that I was ok, checking on my fever, I remember his relieved smile when I told him I was feeling better, he felt my forehead just to make sure. His excuse was my mom would kill him and his mom would kill him if I got really sick. See his mom is my teacher in Ukrainian school. The last time I saw him was in Ukraine we talked a bit at a concert. We could barley hear each other over the screaming kids and blasting electronic instruments. The crowd was a black mass of unidentifiable individuals, all waving neon glow sticks and jumping up and down.
The second dream was about Mathew and Don Jose. Jose and I have know each other since 1st grade. We live close to each other and since I met him I've had a crush on him. He's a good looking Venezuelan kid who's manners are just as good as his looks. He's really sweet and fun to hang around. We were safety's together, we helped people cross the streets in 5th grade. I was the only girl on my shift. And we use to walk together to our posts. One day he was riding his bike and he stopped by me and says, "Hey you want a ride?" I was flustered, I mean that's the kind of thing that happens in manga's right? Well I said, "Sure, thanks!" I got on to the back extension thingy, with my legs to one side brought up so they wouldn't graze the wheels. My hands gripped the seat and we rode off. It was only a few yards but it was a dream come true.
I like those dreams. Because even if they deal with reality their just a dream...and I can wake up and say I'm glad I'm not there but it was fun while it lasted.

The color of the sky:  There it was, that tiny spot of light blue, visible through layers of thin white clouds. Clouds that I am so sick of right now. Those heaps of white, white that isn't the snow I'm praying for.

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