Thursday 27 December 2012

Ski camp

The first official day of camp has come and gone. And I actually have internet and this is working!!
Skiing, eating, riding on buses and sleeping. That's the basic schedule with evening activities and prayers. 
Woke up early, tried to stomach the horrible break fast which I will not be eating tomorrow morning (except maybe the potatoes. Rode on a bus, on which I recollected the last camp and the impossible things that I am still really truly praying for and that I promised Ivanovich. These being kissing D.j which I really wish could happen. But there are problems as all love stories go. There is this girl who's obviously trying to get in bed with him, which is not going to happen since honestly he's not that type of guy (and I know him pretty well so I'm pretty really almost 100% sure of this that he wouldn't). Well we've been talking and I really want to draw him. 
I've been drawing people all day. And I want to draw everything important and show Ivanovich when I get back. Writing about it is one thing but drawing it and seeing it as I do is entirely different. 
But I've been in a really reclusive mood since that girl because even though I('m pretty sure he wouldn't) know he wouldn't I'm just feeling hopeless and lost. I want things to go right this time. I don't want to end up alone and crying or something. I'm over it, sick of crying about stupid idiots (kinda...). So I will pray to God to let this work or something like that. 

It's snowing endlessly here. Just snow and snow and more snow. We ran outside and took pictures. The snow clinging to our hair making us look like snow maidens. White fluff laced around our collars and down our jeans, stuck in our hair and melting on our eyelashes. 

Now we're sitting here txting, calling, skyping friends, boyfriends, parents. While I sit here writing to you all. 

The color of the sky: Dark purpleish black specks of white morphing into streaks of white streaming down. On and on, never ending snowy night. 

I eat too much sweet stuff here. Motivation! Stay on diet thingy...

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