Tuesday 4 December 2012

Guys and chocolates and...well...people!

My family and their issues with me:
Last night my dad came up to me and told me I need to eat more. Well I don't. But it does put a damper on my weight loss idea. Decided to try the ABC diet for like...a long time.

My mom bought a book. Swan Mothers: Discovering Our True Selves by Parenting Uniquely Magnificent Children. I just today realised that it's probably for me isn't it. Wow. Ok. That...totally seems really off... I can understand her wanting to read that cause I read books to figure things out, but it came as a bit of shock I guess.

Today in math after school (yes even more extra math) I met his kid named Cole. He reminds me of Dj and Chris. A mix of both. He's my height, with light feathery hair. A childish I-need-attention attitude and a good sense of humour. We talked a bit, about nothing in particular. I have finally found a pro to coming to after school math on tuesdays.

Work work work. That's all my life seems to be right now. Tomorrow I was gonna take a break, watch a game, read a lot but no. I have to do theatre work. It'll be fun but I really just want to go home and not do anything.

Oh my! I met this guy who I've just kept seeing. Fist it was only in the halls every once in a while. Then in the library. Then apparently he has classes with my senior friends. Then it turns out he is friends with them! So today he was talking to Eleanor and I stopped to say hello. Out of the blue he says: "Don't repeat anything I've said here! (something like) I am no one of importance."
So I replied, "then who are you?"
And he ran away...But I found out his name! It's Matt. (first time I've been excited about a person at our school in a long time.)

The color of the sky: The sun bursting through the eclairecis dans les nuages. A golden glow cast upon the once dark and shadowy roads. Like the sky after a rain storm.

It's funny watching a sweater on a hanger slowly spin around in a bath room. As if there's someone there, watching you as you innocuously sit on the toilet seat watching it with some degree of amusement and wonder.

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