Wednesday 19 December 2012

I heard voices telling me secrets but I woke up and couldn't remember anymore

It's so hard to look back and try to remember today. It feels like years have passed and I no longer remember my own past. I just want to curl up in bed and sleep. 
From what I remember it was a lot of irritated looks, tired faces, anonymous voices, and cold good-byes. I read and slept, and did french. 

After a really bad day at theatre my mom picked me up and drove the whole family to the hospital. We found out yesterday that my Grandpa had a very high heart rate so Grandma took him to the hospital. Nothing serious mom said. But we went to visit anyways, and I totally understand that but I hate hospitals. I just dislike them so much. Undoubtable that came from spending my birthday there one year, and my fear of shots, operations, and Grey's Anatomy. Later on I began noticing the other things, the smell which is enough to drive me off, the insane sanitation, the lack of freedom and those god awful white rooms. Everything is white. And not a pleasant color, it's the color of over cleanliness to a point that just is so clean that it's disgusting. Hospitals are good things and they create so much good in this world but no matter what you say I will never like them. 
Well we visited, Grandpa looks fine and hopefully should be out by Friday. Fingers crossed. If you wish pray for him through I'm sure he'd appreciate it he'd make a joke before he thanked you. 

Soccer was great though. Workouts and I scored like 10 goals. The taste of very sweet victory, like maple syrup covered in sugar and marshmallows.

The color of the sky: It get so frustrating, watching this grey white sheet of endless clouds cover the sky. There's no end. It just goes on and on, grey into grey.

My anime episode isn't loading.


  1. Your writing style is so detached and interesting. I kind of love it.

