Monday 24 December 2012

"You can't ask why, about love"

Anna Karenina is on of the most incredible books I have ever read. The movie was just as breath taking, maybe even more so. Watching it all come to life in front of you is so impossible. The movie was perfect. It really was. It was an exact summary. I sat there quoting the movie, the words transcribed from the books very pages.

We left the tutoring session. Dad and I. Driving through downtown is always best at night. The deserted streets and flickering Christmas lights. The occasional wanderers and movie go-ers. You notice things that you couldn't have in the light. The cold nipping at our ears we were chased into the theatre. From there ushered in to a hallway, dim lit and shabby, an old movie theatre, which it is. Up the stairs, where the carpet curls up at the edges and worn down in the centre, the balustrade scratched, dotted with finger prints and dust. The upstairs lobby wasn't in a much better condition, but it had the air of something more formal, like a ballroom reception area. The bathrooms would have been lavishing only unkempt and lacking in care. The theatre it's self was old, accompanied with a stage and bright red curtains. The chairs climbed steeply as though in a high school stadium. As we sat there, munching on popcorn (my dinner) and sipping cherry coke, I began to tremble with the anticipation. Hoping, praying that I would not be disappointed. And I wasn't. Not in the least.
I am honestly so glad that D.j looks slightly like Vronsky. Oh my lord is that man gorgeous! Aaron Taylor-Johnson. The entire cast was amazing. And I do not understand how you could find anything amiss with this version of the movie. It was genius! And I have again fallen in love with Tolstoy's tale of Anna Karenina.
Aaron Johnson as Alexei Vronsky in Anna Karenina.

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