Sunday 16 December 2012

Dragging out the time till tomorrow

I couldn't wake up again today. Standing in front of the mirror with insanely curly hair I looked at my tired face and wished I could just sleep. My braces hurt so did my throat, I wasn't hungry but my mom wouldn't shut up about the pancakes she'd made me, and I found another pimple just as I though they were all gone.
Clothes, books, pencil and the check. We drove to the coffee shop for tutoring. The tea was so hot. The first sip left me begging for cold water, but there wasn't any for me. So I had to sit though my tutoring lesson trying to massage my aching tongue. Then on to the store. Chocolates, candy, liquor, snacks, all for the upcoming holidays. Siting here now I don't want to eat any of it.
The next time we got in the car we were heading to Grandma's house. I actually had a few decent conversations with my mom on the way. The movie I wanted to see, the presents I needed to buy, the black skinni jeans I need for theatre, nothing about school thank the lord. At Grandma's we cut down a Christmas tree. Crouched down on my knee's the handle of the saw biting into my palm brought back the sweet memories of summers past. Then I thought why are we cutting down this tree, it's not even snowing. I got some money from the folks though, my uncle who still depends on my grandparents gave me a 20 for my jeans and told me to go to the salvation army. Great Granny gave me a 5. First spending money I've gotten in over 2 months, right in time too.
More shopping followed. I was reminded that I need new make up. Only a few hours later we were back in the car, next stop the library for my brothers science olympiad thing. Books, books and more books. I was so ecstatic when I found what I was looking for on the shelves. Sneaking a look it found me, The Reader, I can't wait to read it again! Finding an empty table I did my homework, actually did my homework. It was math too...Now I have more things to read. Good.
Home to more homework and anime. And porn. That's a new one and I doubt I'll be returning to it any time soon. I mean that's what good adult fiction books are for, right? Crunches, push ups, cleaning dreading the morning to come. I'm gonna feel sick tomorrow, I can just feel it. Oh well...and since I don't want to sleep more reading time. Awaiting Thursday, the day of shopping for Christmas presents and watching movies. After that it's all downhill. 8 days mes amies.

The color of the sky: Dark clouds creeping in, like sith lords readying for the kill. Waiting to ignite their light sabres and brighten up the sky with epic battles in thunder and lightning.

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