Monday 23 April 2012

Day 10

Saturday. Was basically a tired blur. Which involved going to school, writing a song, and eating a LOT of pizza.

Since I don't remember much of it I'll tell you about the things I forgot to write down about friday.
A butterfly landed on my dress. Actually it was more blown by the wind, and managed to catch on to me. I picked it up in my hand, it's wings shivered from the breeze. It was a pretty common painted lady butterfly (at least I think that's what it's called) but it looked so beautiful. Delicate wings, an outer layer of dusty brown while underneath the top wings there were bright colors, red, orange, pink. I never really thought of them a so beautiful. I always liked butterfly's and thought they were pretty but I never realised how special and simply beautiful they are.

The color of the sky: Light blue mixed with a darker more constant color. The horizon seemed to maintain a vaguely orangeish yellow through out the day. A few slow moving puffy white clouds.

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