Thursday 19 April 2012

Day 8: Looking to Tomorrow

I played soccer with the guys again!!!! It was so much fun! I was smiling the entire time. My team was me, Ryan and Chris (the annoying kid that maybe has a crush on me) against well everyone else. We lost, but it was still fun.

I wonder what people think when they see me in the halls. A petite girl with childish messy curls smiling like an idiot because the guy she likes looked at her, absorbed in her own little world.

Everything was going so well. But after lunch... It felt unreal. Like stumbling half awake through a drunken daydream. I didn't pay attention in history, didn't bother. I just spaced out and doodled all over my makeshift homework. The whole time everything felt slow, lethargic, words slurred together, altogether the taste of overly sweet syrup.

I wished on a danylion, that all the seeds I wished on will grow so that more dreams can come true.

My mom yelled a lot at me today. I ignored most of it. But it consisted a lot of "You lied to me! You didn't do your home work!!!" My god. Life doesn't revolve around fucking homework. There are much more important things to life. None that I can logically list at the moment but there are. My life isn't yours... figure that out will you?

Sunflowers, flowers that look up to the sky.

Sometimes I feel like no matter how bad today was, tomorrow will be better. I'll get to talk to stupid idiots (Chris), and smart ones (my friend Nick), my friends (Emi!!!!) and random people. I'll get to see Jess (that's his name). I'll get to listen to my ipod, go to 7th block and laugh. I'll get to draw, play soccer, and live. Tomorrow will definitely be better!

The color of the sky: A serene darker blue with flashes of bright blue in between the oddly colored rain clouds. The rest of the sky was a summer day at the Top of the Park. Hinting at rain but never close enough to threaten thunder. 

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