Wednesday 18 April 2012

Day 7: London in the distance

Why does it seem like that every time I read a manga that has main characters my age, it reflects my life. Exactly what is going on. Maybe not the same place or time, but the conversations, the actions and feelings are the same.

School was school. And I've been working on a drawing. It's actually a series of little drawings put together in one picture, "Our Messedup Lives", about me and two of my friends lives. We're all in 7th block together and we always do the funniest things. It's fun to draw.

The guys invited me to play soccer with them. It was nice, even though I didn't do that good. I feel like I'm slowly being accepted as one of them.

All day now I've been craving mexican food. I haven't had any yet...

I'm really into Skillet at the moment. The album Awake is really good.

The color of the sky: The sky was blue. The color of a cool day, hinting of rain. A light blue with the tiniest hint of perry winkle. A thin veil of white almost invisible clouds was draped across the sky. On the horizon you could see the dusty smog and rainy skied 19th century London, shrouded in it's grey clouds.

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