Sunday 29 April 2012

Day 18: never go back

Why do specific moments in your life determine so much. One word, could change everything forever! And when you say that word or do that thing, whatever it is, you can never go back, no matter how much you atone and amend. Broken hearts are never truly fixed... (an example per say).

A cafe, a typical american coffee chain. An older man stands at the counter, chatting away with a customer. His nearly bald head, outlined with thinning grey hair and a wrinkled brow suggest he's perhaps in his late 50's early 60's. Music plays on an endless soundtrack of happy sunday morning tunes. Tables are scattered in an organised manner across the small area of the shop. Few are occupied this morning. A bedraggled lady, reading in the corner, two fit runners chatting away in the far corner lit by the sun already crawling high in the sky. A pair of college students brainstorming idea's and rewriting Shakespeare's Romeo and Juliette into a story not of love, but of adventure, blood, murder, lust, lingering with the flavors of booze and sex, the innocent love of teenagers gone from the story replaced with much darker motives. A girl staring uninterested at a math problem while her tutor is away blowing his nose. A new patron enters the shop and the owner jumps to serve. Another typical sunday at 10:00 A.M.

Things are so confusing. I wonder if I'm confusing myself even more than I need too. Really all I need to do is wait, but what happens if I wait too long and I miss my chance? At this point everything will begin to go in circles and I will go crazy, so I'll stop. 

My dad took me and my brothers to the science centre to see the raptors they have there. And the library. When I was younger we lived in that area and my dad would always take me to see the birds, and little animals they have there. 

Do dreams have any significance to your future or life in general? 
I always wake up before the part I need to see the most. Right before the magic words are said, right before we find open the door to the exit, right before I die. My mom, my brothers some one always wakes me up, almost as if someone somewhere doesn't want me to know my own future. Not that it would be fun to know, but it could help a bit...

I did a lot of homework today.

Sometimes I wonder what I'm doing. All these things that I do... Why.

Ah, I just changed the look of my blog, I was really really bored.

The color of the sky: Blue. A very common unnoticeable blue. Light in color and faintly dotted with clouds who's shape and color escapes me. 

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