Tuesday 16 October 2012

asshole how can I not like you when I hate you?

I've been having a lot of deja-vu moments recently. A lot more than usual, it's kinda weird.

I finally finished the poster! It felt so gratifying to be able to send it to our theatre director. I'm doooooone, only to begin programs tomorrow.

I'm writing an crazy totally nonsensical short story for my class. I found an old paper about a person who is waiting in a waiting room and there's no one else there and they can't figure out why they're there. Then weird things start happening. It's really weird and awesome! Although I think my teacher will hate me after reading it. Just a premonition.

We began our string quartet practices today. Me, Ivanovich and this kid, who's name escapes me at the moment. We went downtown and got pudding first. I'm using this old old cello that's slowly falling apart. I need to name it...(according to Ivanovich). This other guy kinda sucks but he's interesting. Oddly enough he's a freshman, with hungarian heritage. We did pretty good for our first practice. Playing the cello again with other people feels almost like a relief, and I really enjoy it. Maybe I can get a chance to play the piano tomorrow!
We have a late start.

I made a bet with Dakota that I will wear a different pair of shoes everyday. He's kinda become obsessed with my boots (my 3 pairs) and he's a cool guy. Though according to Chloe (from gym class) he's abusive...she's kinda obsessed with him though.

Waiting for my mom today, the sun was setting casting golden light over the soccer fields and all the colorful trees everywhere. I just stood there. Not looking at anything, just wishing the soccer team was there, or better yet we had gym class, our old class and we were out there playing soccer. I really miss that and I just want to tell Chris that and everyone else that. God I miss you guys I really really do.

The color of the sky: Blue. The absence of everything else made it stand out so much. Brighter. The leaves that fell in slow motion towards their certain death highlighted by the sky.

3rd hour, set in the underground class room that Tony had. Talking, always sitting in the same seats. What could be called sexual harassment and verbal jousting about God. Upstairs in the dome gym, running laps, orange shoes, Chris's hand around my shoulders, practical jokes, volleyball soccer. Sweden v Ukraine. Baby, Poochie pie, gurl. Hugs. Outside on the lower soccer fields. Playing soccer, bad shots on goal, no rules, no shirts. White v black + russian v asian + ukrainian. Year books, love, email.

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