Tuesday 2 October 2012

The amazing things you realise for the first time while eating chinese buns

It's amazing that you can hear someone else's thoughts, their song to someone they once loved on the internet through something as simple as a blog.

I'm eating rice right now, enjoying the prospects of tomorrow and not enjoying the homework I'm suppose to be doing.

High school life is so contradictory. These things we say won't matter in 20 years we think that, but they will matter, forever. It's so confusing. This relates to the notes I was passing with Ivanovich today. His love story is like Love in the Time of Cholera. He's liked so many other people but he'll always love that one girl. It's so "tragically romantic", beautiful but sad... He told me today in our little notes that I was: the least superficial person I've met... I didn't know what to say. I play along all the time, but I guess I am different... He's pissed at Chris too! It was pretty funny. I love our conversations, I can finally really open up to someone other than the internet about a lot of things. I can do that with Michelle and Emi sort of but not quite. We just understand and they are words, stories on paper, that could be anyones.

Went to the JV game with Michelle. It was so fun! We made signs for our Nick fan club. It's called NPR FC for Nick's initials. He ended up playing field an we totally freaked out. Nick's dad was there too, he tired to get us to embarrass Nick as much as possible. And Michelle got to see Andrew (the senior who she is totally in love/totally obsessed with) and Chris played. After the game we ran around giving Nick hugs and getting funny comments from the soccer team. Chris ignored me. Finally we ended up on the little hill by the theatre. Talking and looking at pictures on Michelle's Ipod when Chris drives by. We stared at each other for a good while as his mom tried to manoeuvre around the minivans filled with high voiced third grade choir members. Finally he waved, or according to Michelle blew me off. I ended up yelling, "CHRIS YOUR AN ASSHOLE. I HATE YOU!" At the top of my lugs as his car disappeared. At least he did something. So now I have to wait till the next game to decide.
Oh and Nick scored and they mercied them.

I think math class and history are now my do-all-homework-I-was-too-lazy-to-do-at-home classes.

The color of the sky: A clearing grey, turning a lilac blue after rain. The taste in the stairwell conjuring up sad hopeless memories of a world outside the superficial in the rain on the street when it should be snowing with no where to run...

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