Sunday 7 October 2012

Bright colors in black and white

Flowers are very pretty.

Chris posted new pictures on instagram. And I really just want to draw him, it's like Jess all over again. But this time it seems somehow more awkward. I'm still pretty annoyed at him. This is starting to sound rather physiological, like it's all in my head since I don't actually talk to him. Oh well.

Soccer game really far a way. It was cold, as if slivers of ice were falling from the sky instead of water. I got hit in the face and my head still hurts. I'm kinda scared that I got something like a concussion...I don't think so but I'm still a bit concerned.

I hate math homework. It's so stupid and it takes so much effort.

I also still hate people. But they are so pretty and have pretty voices. That's another amazing thing about people the ability they have to use their voices. Music especially. Not just that, but to be able to say anything.

Flowers in fall. Thank the internet. 
The color of the sky: An icy cold grey. Like someone was slowly sucking light and warmth out of the world. As if everything was suddenly going to turn black and white in a dark depressing way.

I wish I had a really good camera and an ipod touch so I could get an instagram and post the things I do. Emi's annoying me with ours. She took off some that were really good, and she keeps following random people. Can't she do that on her personal one?
I wish I could skip class again, but my mom would get mad...I would walk to the park and read. Or bring my crappy digital camera along and attempt to make it take a decent picture. Those things really mess with it and make the pictures look kinda weird. I don't like mine. Oh well...
I need to go finish the Elegance of a Hedgehog now. Night.

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