Friday 26 October 2012

Headaches and heartbreaks

Today feels like it's been forever. The day just dragged on. The headache started around lunch. 
Half way through the day I realised for the millionth time since school started how many people truly love me for who I am. And the day got better (minus the head aches). 
You have to love yourself and your life before you can love someone else, or something like that.
I guess I can wait (does the fact that we might never get together mean that I don't love you?).

People kissing in the stairwell. Huddled into a corner, I couldn't see the girls face. The boy was tall, bleach blond hair, and a black leather jacket that looked like Ren's (Nana, manga), baggy dark blue jeans. She was wearing black shoes, heels. That intertwined with his clumsy nike's. Skipping class but who cared?

Stressed out cause this guy won't call me back or email me bout the posters! Maybe that's why I had a headache.

I saw Jess today. His face rather than it's usual composed state seemed pretty irritated, actually mad. And, since he was looking at me I couldn't help but feel that it was somehow my fault in the slightest. But his expression made me smile. Walking away from me he looked smaller, more fragile. And now that I think about it everyone important looked that way today. Maybe it was just my imagination.

It smells like Christmas here. Probably cause my mom was cooking for her book club. Or maybe it's the perfume she only wears for important engagements, or the smell of an unusually clean house. Whatever it was I just wished it was snowing outside.

The color of the sky: Grey and lonely like a cold wind across the tree line. Utter silence. Nothing is heard, only the wind. That was the color today. But it was noisy, ever car that passed by shattered the silence. I just wanted to yell, shut up! I don't want to hear anything, not right now...

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