Thursday 18 October 2012

The little things give us away

I really need to start actually doing homework. I swear I have done so little in the past week and I think I'm still passing most of my classes. It's only the test that throw me off. I just don't want to do it. I did the same thing last year too...
So is school for social life and yolo stuff or is it actually there so we can learn something. But life lessons that they say we should be taught aren't those the ones where we go out make mistakes get drunk? Another contradiction.
Then again what would we all be doing if there wasn't school?

I think I'm moving on from Chris. I mean it's not gonna happen. I wish but whatevs. Michelle wants me to find true love so that she can experience my happiness. God she is weird but then again so am I. I love her. So plan 9f, or something like that, is get my a boyfriend. That's the part of school I love.

My mom and I started watching Midnight In Paris. It's ok so far, I though it would be better... the rhinoceros part was really funny though. We were both laughing.

I really want to take some pictures before the leaves all fall away.

The color of the sky: Dark horizon, closing in with grey clouds. Intimidating, scaring off the light of day. Compressing the sky, filling it with a smoky haze of clouds. On the other end, the sun is fleeing, leaving behind a trail of purple intertwined with gold lining.
Another sun set.

Little things, that no one notices, that I draw, they give us all away. All the things we don't want to see, or know. But one can never know everything.

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