Thursday 29 November 2012

I wonder when the bus to wonderland is leaving

Today sucked Again. I sat there in class, not sure whether I was hungry or wanted to throw up.

Rant about my history teacher.
He is a stuck up good for nothing republican idiot who falsely attempts to teach history to high school students. No, history is the wrong word...he aims to inflict upon us a story glorifying the winners of history and incorrect descriptions of historic figures. Further more he expands his ego through glorifying himself in front of the class and urging (oppressing our right of freedom and the 1st amendment) us to laugh (unsuccessfully) at his utter lack of intelligence, conceited remark or smug joke! He's insufferable! He's like Chris strutting around shrouded in his arrogance not noticing that we take him for a fool and despise his minuscule being that has suddenly filled the early hours of our ever day. Except Chris has his good points and he's genuinely and idiot (and we know that).With my teacher...I don't see that in this middle aged man who sees the world though his tiny glass window clouded by the absurdness of taxing and false pretences, viewing himself as the perfect human being without the flaws of an uneducated 14-15 year old. Un très important, raffiné à la perfection, cultured Arian who is at the peak of his despicable career and life (for that matter).
He's an vulgar, sad individual misplaced in time and career. Pouvez vous aller chez le diable.

Ah that looks so beautiful and sounds even better.
Well I know who's class I'm skipping tomorrow. It's Friday. Even better.

7th hour...I like those people. I don't have to run away there. And their facial expressions are so funny.

Just finished New Year Eve. The movie. See there is magic. Even if it's not quite what you expect. But making a movie and inspiring people, that's magic.

The color of the sky: Darkening fast. Turning the scene into a deathly chase through dark dreary woods, the blue background and erie clouds creeping in. Little Red Ridding Hood is on her way home. There's only so much further. Almost there...smell the fire...but it's getting dark, fast. There are scary things in the dark...

I was listening to Handel's Messiah today in class. It's really something...

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