Tuesday 27 November 2012

Who made up the rules of this game?

Dear God...
I haven't listened to Avenged Sevenfold in a while. I love them. No matter how much time passes that band will always be one of my favourites. The lyrics, musical arrangements, Matt's voice...it all just makes sense. I wrote a song to Seize the Day with my counsellor at camp, in Ukrainian though. I sent him the finished draft on his birthday, August 4th. After that I decided to listen to the rest of the songs. And I fell in love.

I wish all love was as simple. Actually I bet it is, we just make it complicated and make it seem like more than it really is.

A grey day. A day that seemed like everything could quietly just end. Slouching in the bus seat, trying to disappear into my over sized black sweat-shirt. The sky was imposing, looming down on us silently. Never was that silence really broken. It just blended with the noises of the rest of the world. Jess was sitting across from me. The whole bus was a mystery. Each in his own world. Connected by an isle seat to seat and nothing more. Strangers. I was listening to A7X...I remember that. God I was so quiet back then. A little girl with no sense of fashion trying to fit in.

Sometime I feel like I can recall all those feelings I've lived through. The suspense, heart break, anticipation, happiness, nervousness, the feeling of standing on the edge, freedom, loneliness, love, acceptance, ridicule, disappointment. If I could just sit there drowning in it...it would be an amazing picture don't you think?

Mathew and I had an adventure. After running away from Michelle and asking him to be my boyfriend while I avoid Issac. We walked around complaining about our teachers and classes. Tried not to kill a computer. He is horrible with technology! But it was fun all the same. Moment. Emi wanted me to stay in the library:
M: She wants you.
me: But don't you want me too?
M: She wants you more...
me: You'r just going to leave me here again...?
M: Fine come on.

Played MASH with Sophia on Fb. I am: married to Jess, living on a ranch, in Kazakstan, with a pet sheep with 69 kids. My wedding dress was a cupcake pink. I am a prostitute he's a masseuse and our car is a ice cream truck.

The color of the sky: Baby blue torn jeans, splattered with bleach, and faded at the torn edges with the surprising smell of summer.

Fuck math homework again. I'm just gonna go to bed now.

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