Thursday 22 November 2012

Making faces at the world

I'm sorry I can't really do that. I can put other people happiness before mine but not with love. I guess I still believe in faerie tales. Like my Prince Charming is just over the horizon. Yeah it's silly but that's just me.

I have a pretty face don't I. If I lost weight I'd be a perfect little doll, minus my lack of fashion but that could be fixed. You know I'd rather have every guy whistle at me and just want to have sex than have sweet nice guys liking me. It would be a lot simpler don't you think?
Maybe I should dye my hair too, while I'm at it. Ginger...?

I saw Sunset Boulevard with my dad just now. God it's depressing! Leaving you with that feeling of gloom that you wish you could just shake off, but instead it lingers, in the dark dim lit corners of your room and creaking of the house. It's a great movie though. Amazing acting and camera work, not to mention the directing. The 50's...damn that was a depressing time.

Fb. I've been avoiding it more than usual. But while stalking peoples pages cause I was bored, I came across a video posted by Dj from the weekend. I was there for the little skit but it seems so different. Everything comes across as different. Maybe it's just my perspective of him or that we're so far away or I miss that time but it's different, in a good way. A memory that I can hold on to.

Ok I should get some sleep...maybe...or read. Hunting and Gathering is a really good book. Recommended. The beginnings isn't too good but after the first few chapters it get better.

When you start planning out your life and things don't go as you planned what do you do?

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