Friday 23 November 2012

Late nights, I only wish I had coffee and that I wasn't here

Putting off telling someone that I don't like them like that doesn't change anything does it. It just means that I've let the their imagination grow into something they see as a perfect story. That's why I hate people (one of the many many reasons). I really need to do something about this but what's left to do now, I can't undo the things we've said.

I can't wait to get out of here and travel. The sooner the better, but that's still almost 3 more years.

Just like any other girl I want to find that bit of so called true love. A moment of happiness in my youth involving kisses and holding hands in dark theatres. 3 years. I'm starting to wonder how much time that really is. Finding myself has taken, what, year and a half, leaving me with this time. Only to like someone 400 miles away and avoiding the majority of our high school population. I don't regret it...I'm trying to....I have no idea!

I wish I could buy all this music!

It's snowing again. A lot! It makes Christmas seem not so far away.

We went to Toledo today. The whole family. The art museum to see the Manet exhibit. It was really cool. There's so much in those paintings. They're so beautiful. They're something I can relate to. It's like the Louvre were I can get lost in a face for hours.

The color of the sky: Lost in a sea of grey. As if everything had been painted over with a thin watered down grey then speckled with white.

Every human being has a set of wings...

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