Monday 12 November 2012

Let's drink to giraffes, awkwardness, swag, poop, scotch tape and being drunk and tired cause none of this matters or makes sense

I just had the weekend of my life. It was such a great weekend. Getting on that bus I really though things were gonna suck. The bus ride sure did (although I studied a lot and did most of my hw. Minus the math which I didn't take and am doing now) once I got there it was great. I saw so many people I haven't seen since Ukraine and summer. We talked caught up on things all at 1 in the morning. We stood there in front of the main building, talking about camp, school, people, politics. Eventually bidding each other good night and heading to our separate housing.
The layout of the place is a main house which is like a hotel and a main hall where everything takes place. Scattered around are buildings each on with it's ghost stories, creaky stairs and crappy heat or Ac. Each group had a building or stayed in the main house. It's a nice place, hidden in the lower mountain range of the Catskills. We went to bed around 2.
Woke up the next day around 7. Got ready for the competition. We wore uniforms. Which for the girls are brown skirt, beige shirt that makes you look fat, a brown over coat, brown knee highs and shoes (also brown). Guys have the same deal without the overcoat, and in all green. Also each state and gender group has a bandanna around their neck, like japanese school girls. The competitions began after breakfast.
I should explain this. 1st you have a power point presentation. And the point is to present your knowledge about the subject in the power point. 2nd you preform a skit which has something to do with the topic. 3rd there is a competition for individuals to see which kid is the smartest, best at improv and a good example to others. And you do these things, the judges write down scores then you sit down and watch the rest of the show. All 20 other power points and skits. Moving on to dinner and the dance.
Like all other Ukrainian youth gatherings there was a dance. And there was alcohol. I wore my pretty pink shirt and leggings, and my oversized black sweat shirt.
To be totally honest with you I've never really drunken that much. I tell stories, over exaggerations of my adventures but I've never gotten drunk. But that night I got a thrill. I wasn't any where near drunk but there was the feeling of a risk, the buzz of the drug, the adventure. Vodka. That's what we had. Smuggled in water bottles and mixed with sprite. We got to the dance early so my friends and I headed back to sneak a drink. They got drunk. It was pretty bad. Oreo was staggering around yelling things, asking for more drinks. Larry seemed ok after a bit the alcohol hit her and she got a bit tipsy. Bored we found ourselves at DJ's room. Now I haven't seen the guy since summer and I was like let's be friends.
Well we kept talking. Random almost non sensical words and conversations came out. He offered his jacket up for grabs and I took it. Green, warm, it has an awkward swag that makes it perfect for him and it couldn't fit me better. After our drinking episode we went to the dance, had fun, danced, chewed gum, danced some more, peed, danced more. 11:30 it ended and we were sent back to our respective rooms with a warning this is curfew get caught and you can be disqualified. Our adventure really began.
Me and Larry decided to go crash at Dj's place but her shoes were hurting her feet so we needed to stop by the main house and get a new pair. We get to her room and guess who's there. Her dad. And he wasn't ready to let her go. We finally managed to sneak out racing down the hall way it was great, just the thrill of doing something semi illegal, alcohol on our breaths, smiles on our faces, yolo ringing in our heads. We practically ran the whole way there. Then we just sat there for hours. Listening to music, throwing m&m's, drinking monster, using scotch tape, talking more nonsense, opening the door letting cold in, cuddling, not thinking straight, people coming and going. We later wondered when they had actually left. Larry left around 1 while I sat there not ready to go back to a room full of drunks (they were the ones who brought the shit, and all the other drugs). It was me, Dj, and his roommate Antoniv. They had an m&m war while I ate pringles. And we had this conversation about awkward silences and conversations. And  how they were the best conversations because they could lead to anywhere. You just have to start talking. There was another conversation about everything Dj said could be interpreted as sexual or something. It turned out really funny cause neither of them, especially Dj didn't know what they were talking about. At like 2, their chaperon came in and told me I should probably leave. Good idea cause I was on Dj's bed ready to crash, and just sleep there. So Antoniv walked me back to my place cause Dj was falling asleep. We said good night and for a while I just sat on the stairs txting people.When I finally got in, everyone was passed out drunk on the beds. So I took a shower.
At 3 some friends from the Ukraine camp came and we skyped Jeremy in Australia. I finally went to bed at 4.

Next day we said our good-byes and went our separate ways, by bus, plane and car. All our stuff was packed and we were waiting for the last people to show up. Dj walked over to say bye to us. A chat with the others, a hug for me and a few words exchanged. 6 more weeks till I get to see him again at Christmas in New York again.
We got 6th place. 12 hour drive back was horrible. Got home at 4:30. Woke up at 6 and went to school...

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