Wednesday 7 November 2012

The library books we forgot to return still turned to those pages we hold so dear

Auditions were today!!!!!! OMG! I was so scared. I warmed up after a the first cold reading. But it was so hard. My first audition, probably since I didn't know what I was getting into and there weren't as many people seemed so much easier. This one was so frikking hard! And I really want to do this show. And so does everyone else. I was just texting my friend who's good but he's worried he didn't get a part and I'm worried and everyone else on fb is worried the cast list (hopefully) comes out tomorrow. I feel like this is so important and tomorrow we're gonna be standing there feeling that empty feeling, "when someone else got the last jelly filled doughnut, or that hot chick" Dan. Ahhhhhhhhh. I am not going to be able to concentrate!

Failed my math retake on monday. Got a B on my latin test. My french teacher was gone and we have a test on MONDAY! English was eh.  IVANOVICH WAS SUSPENDED! For a fight!! What The Hell. I wanted to talk to him. Meh.
Got caught copying homework in class. Teacher pissed. She took our homework away. So glad I have a weekend to let things blow over. I'm going to New York! It's for this Ukrainian thing. I get to see all my friends! Basically it's this big competition to see which state is the best and smartest. It's gonna be a blast (minus the 12 hour bus ride, but that's not too bad)!

Chris talked to me today! It was the strangest thing. Walking up the stairs with Michelle I felt someone squeezing my leg, the way Moya or someone would do to tickle me. I'm surprised I didn't scream, cause I am so ticklish. It was Chris. The usual hey girl, hey you was exchanged. We left him at his class room. Two minutes we see him walking down the hall from the other direction. Ninja! He winks multiple times at me, clearly as a joke, teasing. Then the soccer update.
"Sweden tied Germany!"
"I know! I saw part of that game! It was great. Ukraine TIED Moldova. It was horrible we totally should have won!"
"Moldova?! What the hell. Come on! (muttering) Moldova."
Life's been getting better. I'm really glad that I can just talk to him.

The color of the sky: There was something more, fulfilling in the sky today. A deeper blue filling out the painting of our dreams. The perfect sky to begin a journey.

Obama won. And I need a shower.

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