Sunday 18 November 2012

They reach up from the ground grabbing me, tying me to the earth so that I can't fly, I can't get's like a rosebush cruel but beautiful and that is life. death is freedom.

Eating coffee caramels while counting down the day till christmas while staring at the empty screen that doesn't help my homework situation at all. In fact it's only wasting more and more time but what does it matter this year sucks work wise. There's no motivation in it and I'm not learning anything anyways. So instead I stare at this computer and plan my outfit for tomorrow, the shoes that will match and the make up I want to put on.
You know there's only 36 days and 2 hours till christmas?
I decided to try to clean my room. I just go sick of it. I do that. It's so unproductive. But if I get that impulse I kinda have to at least start. So I'm cleaning.
I really hate my english and history classes this year. They fucking suck. And the more I clean the more hw assignments I find that I didn't do. That pisses me off too. I shouldn't be slacking off but then again those teachers...idk it's so complicated. I just want to get the next Breathe Carolina album and have it be winter break and snowing.

The color of the sky: a carmel sunset. Warm with orange and red. A few clouds on the horizon, a steamy grey.

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