Friday 11 January 2013

And such

Don Jose is kinda like the guy from Night at the Museum. Ya'know the main character.

This week went by so fast. Dakota and I were talking and we just can't believe it. He also gave me a lolly pop. It was really really sweet. Like the kind of candy I would sometimes eat as a child.

Dan came to my health class to present about GSA. Afterwards we just sat and talked about his relationships. Did I tell you that he likes Larissa!? The exchange student from last year that I love so much! Also Dan was complaining about Chris, cause he was making a mess the last hour, talking about religion and what not. He asked if I was going to ask Chris to prom someday. Where did that come from?

It was so nice outside. Mari, Jose and I were walking outside a bit for a change. It felt like spring. With the melting snow and light jackets. Even the smell of rain, lingered through out the entire building. And it was so refreshing and perfect.

Ivanovich wants to write my story...about D.j and camp and snow and such.

Theatre today sucked. I just couldn't sit there and listen to them. So I curled up in a ball under a table and tried to sleep though it. It was hard. I could hear their words, even when I clogged my mind with thoughts and tried to sleep. And now I have a whole week of this ahead of me.

The color of the sky: Dark and rainy, accompanied by the smell of the latter and rushing winds. Later turning a gauzy white, in a light fog that clouded the view outside.

I am almost 16...independent...that just dawned on me.

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