Monday 7 January 2013

Take me to Wonderland with you Mr.Cat

First day back at school. And I have to admit, it wasn't all too bad, just a tad bit lonely.
I really am trying to make school useful since I have to go anyways, but I miss the people and after ski camp I realised how little company I keep during the day. I can jump from people to people but there's only a few people who I can really talk to, it's not like our rooms, with our midnight chats and berserk phone calls...nor is it like those drunken nights during the New York weekend, where you just talk about nonsense and love every minute of it. So school's ok.

Theatre's going well too, we're working on putting the sets up and down, hard work, but it's actually a lot of fun. The excitement of working back stage.

I think if you really believe something hard enough you can make it not only seem possible but be possible though your actions. Not everything, but some things... That makes me happy and feel in control of something.

Soccer practise went well. I feel like I'm just filling pages with useless details that are watered down and uninteresting. Probably cause they don't interest me at the moment. All I'm worried about is weight, then school, then soccer and theatre but even those aren't that big...oh well I suppose Adventure is hiding for now, maybe it will come back soon.

The color of the sky: It was gorgeous this morning! It looked like a scene from Alice In Wonderland, the Tim Burton version. Dark satin blue sky, tinted with a mystic swirling purple. The clouds drifted across the sky swiftly like a storm approaching. Running across the sky, across the face of the moon which was a perfect Cheshire grin, gleaming down at me. I could see the thin black outlines of it's teeth the clouds crossed his face. Or was he disappearing know you can never trust a cat that smiles.

It is frikking cold in this house! Oh and I actually got my homework done.

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