Monday 28 January 2013

Receipts which we never intend to pay

I need something to write. It's for those college summer programs. They require writing samples. So I sat here and looked though files and files of online work. Read through this blog. Went through old note books and folders full of unfinished sort stories. Nothing. Ya know when I wrote them I thought that they were actually pretty good. Not anymore. But just now while browsing on Pintrest I found this:

Maybe it would work...Sure it's not my idea, but maybe...
I haven't written anything in a long time though. We'll see what happens.

My brother had a snow day. And my dad was working. So we all went to my grandma's, where we watched T.v and played scrabble with my grandpa. We also baked cookies but we didn't get to finish. So I guess that means we're going back tomorrow.
I started soccer again. For the club. I was so out of breath. I guess that means I've got to start running.

The color of the sky: Swirling clouds like steam rising from hot tea. Tiny rain drops, becoming mist as they hit the freezing ground. A constant drizzle like a summer day in land's we've only dreamt of.

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