Sunday 13 January 2013

Freshman walking past my house at 10 pm

Wow I love looking back on my old posts. They really mean so much to me. I really am so glad I started this when I did. Frankly though life was a bit more interesting then. I'm sure it will get better soon. It's just a small calm on a turbulent river.

I'm so tired I just want to pass out on the bed.

Ukrainian school today wasn't bad. We actually got along, all of us, for the most part. Playing pranks, eating rice crispy treats, teasing one another and cheating on tests.

Got a new Breathe Carolina album. It's so good! I love them!

Wen't out and took pictures with Emi that was fun! And it was so warm out! I gotta email her tomorrow....

Working on programs...

The color of the sky: The night was alive with the scent of spring. Reminding me of tropical lands, and the distant smell of the ocean. Walking under the calm black sky unaccompanied by stars, only white clouds reflecting the city lights, the air brushed against us, slipping between our loose clothing, and dancing along our bare skin, refreshing like lapping ocean waves. It was like walking through Puerto Rico at night, a calm yet exciting feeling, one of being in this unknown place tingling with unseen wonders.

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