Tuesday 8 January 2013

Black jeans

I ate so much today! I feel bad...not quite like I'm failing myself for eating so much, but just kinda down. It sucks. I'll eat less tomorrow!

I met Valentina today. Ivanovich has been telling me about her. She's Ukrainian. Adopted but doesn't speak the language. I really like her, she seems like a cool person. She's also really pretty, and really skinni. High school role model. I wanna look like her!
She was trying to get Ivanovich to eat the cookies she bought him but he was refusing and running away. It was so funny! And somehow, maybe due to the accents, it reminded me of Anna Karenina. Or maybe that's just my brain making stupid connections again. It was fun.

Theatre's going so well, though all we do now is practise putting up and taking down the set. But it's fun and hard work. 

Why is science so complicated, like electron arrangement and stability and shit...

I walked by Chris in the hallway. I was walking but yelling something to someone behind me, as he passed by he took my arm, using it as a guide to get through the crowded mess. I caught him as he was disappearing into the crowd. So I guess I do exist to him...I wish we could play soccer again, like the good old days. But wishing ain't gonna get you no where, so I just gotta work hard and pray it pays off.

The color of the sky: Red, well more like pink, growing out of the mid upper horizon. Spreading forth like lava across the hazy lavender sky. 

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