Wednesday 30 January 2013

Braiding hair in a rain storm

Auditions are tomorrow. OH MY DEAR GOD! I want it so bad. I wanted it bad last time but not this bad. It's the Scottish Play, as in Macbeth. We're doing a office, modern, espionage version. Super bloody and I can't wait! The auditions are gender neutral. So that gives me a better shot at things. But the role I really want is Lady Macbeth. She's so cool! And reminds me of characters that Helena Boham-Carter would play. She really inspires me. Well I am terrified and totally psyched! I cannot wait. But I still hope school will be cancelled tomorrow. Knock on wood.

School started again. Michelle is sorta dating that guy she went on a date with last week but who knows. I have two new classes. Art and Algebra 2. I just switched into a different class and it should be a lot better. Actually more than half our class switched out of our 6th hour math. A bunch of classes had new seating charts. That part kinda sucked.

I can't wait till it gets warmer, cause then I can start running. It's too cold out now for that. So I sit here and pin things on pintrest and read and sleep and dream of food. It's actually very nice, or would be minus the school. I think I got rid of the writers block, we'll see about that tomorrow.

The color of the sky: Vibrant blue, almost the color of New York neon street signs. Flashing. A girl wearing a skirt on a windy day. Or a broken street lamp. Take you pick. Then darkness. Swallowing up the light. A camera with a flash. Going off then black. Waiting for the next shot....and there it is!

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