Friday 25 January 2013

Drifting through time

We are one hellofa messed up, beautiful and best family ever. I love theatre. It's just been so much fun these past few days. And tomorrow is competition! Can't wait!!!! Oh my gosh! Get to wake up at 5 in the morning but whatever it's going to be great!

Today I woke up at 1. I haven't slept so long in forever. Went shopping for ski boots. Went to theatre.
Now that I think about it, it is a crush but also I'm just interested in Matt. Interested as in  "showing curiosity or concern about something or someone; having afeeling of interest"

Tomorrow...I hope time stops. And I will be so happy. 

The color of the sky: They drifted down from giant balloon masses in the sky. Each a unique pattern engraved on his parachute. Falling, a brigade of soldiers on a mission to conquer the earth. And they fell. Covering the land, taking over every bit of open area. The unlucky ones fell on the roads of giants where they were slaughtered, their bodies dumped in heaps by the sides of bloody trails. The rest clustered on roof tops, watching their comrades below. 

Well now, time for bed. Good night.

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